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The legacy lives on in you.

<span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing</span> & <span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II</span>, the first two parts of an action-packed monster-hunting series, are available now, DRM-free on You can get both games at 75% off, including full GOG Galaxy support for achievements and leaderboards.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing are nothing short of an incredible mashup of gothic-noir settings, a twisted take on Bram Stoker's universe, weird technology, and monster-related consequences of mankind's thoughtless chase of the next breakthrough. Your father was Abraham Van Helsing, doctor, vampire hunter, legend. Will you do justice to the Van Helsing legacy?
Damn right you will.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing are, at their soul, unceasingly intense hack'n'shlashes featuring a badass hero, badder monsters, and plenty of weapon drops and tactical options for a truly twisted adventure. You'll also have the chance to craft your very own lair - a personal hunter's hideout full of your very own trophies. But don't dawdle, 4-player co-op, and 8-player PVP await!

Live up to your legacy in <span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing</span> & <span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II</span>, available now - DRM-free on The launch discount will last for 5 days, until Wednesday, September 16, 12:59 PM GMT.
These look interesting! And $5 doesn't seem too bad for a bit of an impulse buy. If I do cave and grab one, can someone who has played both games give me any compelling reason not to skip the first? The list of mechanics and features in the second looks more fleshed out. I also kind of like the more unique industrial setting (at least going by the GoG screenshots).
liamphoenix: Look, both of the Van Helsing games that were worth playing.
*edit Ooooh I just saw this - am I to infer that the third game isn't quite as good?
Post edited September 11, 2015 by Ixamyakxim
Once again, there's a Mac build and GOG only gets the Windows one.
Wait, a release in the middle of a promo?!
I heard that these games are good, but I'll have to check reviews.

WHAT?!? Both at 5$?? Damn so I must decide now! O_o'
Post edited September 11, 2015 by phaolo
low rated
Glad to see another double regionally priced releases.

And pretty subpar games too...

Bah... better luck next time as they say.
high rated
Hey guys - Jumping in to provide a bit of info :).

Firstly, Van Helsing III will also be coming to GOG - no definite date on it currently as we're stilling ironing out a few kinks, but we're working with Neocore to get this out ASAP.

Secondly, we're also looking to bring the MAC version of all three titles to GOG. Again, ironing out some kinks, but we're aiming to get the MAC versions up ASAP.

With respect to the Final Cut, this is also planned for release on GOG and owners of all three games will receive the Final Cut for free. The details have still not been finalised and we can't give a definite date for when it will reach GOG.

Hope this answers your questions :)

... Oh, and Deathtrap will also be arriving soon ;)
Post edited September 14, 2015 by B0SC0
Ixamyakxim: These look interesting! And $5 doesn't seem too bad for a bit of an impulse buy. If I do cave and grab one, can someone who has played both games give me any compelling reason not to skip the first? The list of mechanics and features in the second looks more fleshed out. I also kind of like the more unique industrial setting (at least going by the GoG screenshots).
liamphoenix: Look, both of the Van Helsing games that were worth playing.
Ixamyakxim: *edit Ooooh I just saw this - am I to infer that the third game isn't quite as good?
The third is playable, but it's a "buy for completion" game, it should have been DLC for Van Helsing II rather than its own game.

The only part worth paying for is the end of the story, not the actual game, and you can watch the cut scenes on YouTube for free.
Is this game REALLY multiplayer (read as: LAN)? Or is it Internet based? Requiring a 3rd party account with keys?

Sorry to say I have to ask, after the Age of Wonders 3 debacle. :( [great game, but DRMed multiplayer]
Dude, that just convinced me to re-buy these.
B0SC0: With respect to the Final Cut, this is also planned for release on GOG and there will be a loyalty program in place for owners of all three games
Thanks for the info.
But, so that Final Cut will transform the 3 games in a single one?
phaolo: Thanks for the info.
But, so that Final Cut will transform the 3 games in a single one?
If you are afraid as to whether it will replace the 3 games, then the answer is no. You'll have the choice to run the three games independently and the choice to run the trilogy.
Good promo .
Post edited September 11, 2015 by Painted_Doll
Matruchus: Well this might have changed with a gog release of Van Helsing though.
Mayhaps, but I remain sceptical until all their games are on GOG in their complete and fully patched form. Until then I doubt I spend a aven a cent on any of their games.

Edit: Thanks to clarification of one of the blue's, at least the worst case scenarios seem unlikely so I removed my speculation.
Post edited September 11, 2015 by Petrell
B0SC0: Snip
Thanks for the info!
Matruchus: Well this might have changed with a gog release of Van Helsing though.
Petrell: Mayhaps, but I remain sceptical until all their games are on GOG in their complete and fully patched form. Until then I doubt I spend a aven a cent on any of their games. This can easily go very poorly if GOG buyers of the trilogy don't get the Final Cut for free or even worse, they decide not to offer Final Cut here at all (or they might decide not to release Van Helsing III here and expect everyone who purchased first two to buy Final cut at full price instead). It would not be their first time so I have absolutely no reason to believe they don't shit on their customers again just because they can get away with it.
Confirmed by B0SC0 above that Van Helsing III, Van Helsing: Final Cut and Deathrap will be coming to GOG and that they have prepared a loyalty program for those who own all three Van Helsing games.
Post edited September 11, 2015 by Grargar
phaolo: Thanks for the info.
But, so that Final Cut will transform the 3 games in a single one?
Grargar: If you are afraid as to whether it will replace the 3 games, then the answer is no. You'll have the choice to run the three games independently and the choice to run the trilogy.
Not afraid, but I wished to know how that upgrade worked exactly.
Also, my initial idea was to choose the best of the 3 games (if worth), but now I'm even more puzzled.