Enebias: The best part about the original Serious Sam is that there was absolutely
nothing serious in it!
This is just my opinion, but I really don't think first person shooters can be taken seriously at all, unless they are simulators or somewhat closer to a simulation like Arma, SWAT and the early Rainbow Six.
I see them as I saw '80s action movies, pure dumb and over the top entertainment with no other goal than being fun.
The main underlying premise was always serious - save Earth from Mental (Tah-Uhm) by any means necessary Yes, it does take Sam on some wonky adventures and facing over the top enemies but without that premise, I might as well just be shooting endless enemies infinitely in any random sandbox or suvival game. Even the little story that is told through Netricsa in TFE and TSE are enough for me. From fighting to the timelock until he entered the spaceship at the end of TSE, it made sense. I can't say the same about SS4.
BFE respected the story of the originals and fit into the timeline. Sad to see they pretty much dropped the ball on that.
Also, bullshit story is one of the main reasons I absolutely hate Serious Sam 2, the other being the art direction (way too cartoony).
nightcraw1er.488: You can skip the side quests. I did t find anything in them that I have actually used yet, it’s mainly gadgets and one gimmick weapon so far (oh and chances to push either offensive stereotypes or certain political agendas).
Can skip, but you are robbing yourself of some pretty big fights and supplies. Not to mention that some weapon mods you get from them only appear several levels later if you don't do the side mission.
nightcraw1er.488: I have got most ways through France now and to be fair the combat is still really good, but I am spotting more bugs and graphical glitches. Npcs and various scenery (like trees) most you can walkthrough, some not for some reason. I have only seen vast armies (claimed) on the entry map and that was all billboards.
The open world France levels were probably the worst out of the entire game. So much empty space it's insane. And looking for secrets in that? Forget it. They really should have stayed with the classic level design. Especially because the "legion" system only appears in the prologue and the last level.
nightcraw1er.488: In terms of the upgrades, you can safely ignore them. There really isn’t anything there worthwhile. I picked dual weapon, but it’s a pain to use. You have to left alt to get the second weapon up and the left and right mouse clicks to use it. Seeing as how you swap weapons a lot that system is inherently flawed and unusable. So that’s one tree down. Then there is melee, but if things are that close your going to die! That leaves a couple of reload speeds and damages upgrades when health low. Really not worth worrying about. Much like gadgets, by the time you scrolled through them find the one you want you are overwhelmed by enemies.
Indeed. Melee is absolutely not viable, especially on harder difficulties so the only relevant parts are the things that affect speed. Reload speed, ability to reload while sprinting, increased speed when aiming down sights. With my spare points, I went into the dual wielding but that brings your power level to insane heights, so much so that I think the game is worse for it because it upsets the balance horribly. Would have definitely been better if they skipped the skill tree entirely.
nightcraw1er.488: The story and characters just get worse the more you go in too.
Yup. A damn shame after BFE built my hopes up. It had better story and 90% of the time, it was just Sam talking to Quinn on the radio. No pointless immortal NPCs, no overlong conversations, no cringy sidequests. Most people shit on BFE but I really like it a lot.