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Theatricality and deception are powerful agents.

<span class="bold">Masquerada: Songs and Shadows</span>, a stylish RPG of artful deception and real-time-with-pause combat, is now available, DRM-free on

Keep the aristocracy elevated far above the underprivileged for long enough and turmoil will certainly ensue. Even in Citte della Ombre, this beautiful Venetian-escue city, where elaborate masks grant magic powers to their owners. Living in exile for past transgressions, you are now summoned back to form an elite task force and investigate the mysterious kidnapping of an upstanding citizen. But can you truly trust those giving the orders or even your own companions?
Whether you enjoy swift, chaotic battles that require sharp reflexes and split-second decisions, or prefer to plan and fine-tune your every move, Masquerada's flexible combat system will feel equally fun and challenging. Especially when accompanied by the dramatic narrative and incredible voice-overs, provided by the likes of Jennifer Hale and Matthew Mercer.

Get entangled in a dramatic tale of dark conspiracy, powerful magic, and intricate lies in <span class="bold">Masquerada: Songs and Shadows</span>, DRM-free on
Post edited September 30, 2016 by maladr0Id
high rated
edit: Mac version is here :)
Post edited October 03, 2016 by JudasIscariot
omega64: I seem to remember them doing this during a different sale.
zeogold: Communicating, you mean?
I don't believe you.
I get the feeling there's more than meets the eye to this post so would you care to elaborate?
JudasIscariot: I get the feeling there's more than meets the eye to this post so would you care to elaborate?
zeogold: Uh-oh. Didn't see that one coming.

I'm just generally commenting on the often-lacking communication GOG has, such as not following up on contests (or only doing it some months later), having silent updates, etc.
I'm not digging specifically at you, if that's what you're thinking. You're actually one of the staff on here who goes above and beyond his job most of the time.
I've already communicated the silent updates issue once before but I'll do it again if it helps.

If we silently update an installer or file, it's due to the changes being small things like icons getting fixed or some other minor issue. Also, we may get a seriously fringe (fringe in this context = they are literally the only person that has some weird off-the-wall issue) support case so we update the installer, let that person know they should download the new installer, and that's that.

As for the contests, I can't really comment too much on that as that is not my department (no sarcasm implied here FYI) but if you or anyone else have an issue with a contest, please PM me and I'll do what I can to get to the bottom of the issue in between my own duties (AKA it might take a wee bit longer than usual :) )

And yes, I know that comment was not directed at me personally so no worries :)
JudasIscariot: If we silently update an installer or file, it's due to the changes being small things like icons getting fixed or some other minor issue.
Fairfox: Pls don't do this, minor or not; if yooou update it should be communicated regardless; s'not like it's costing moolah just to state it to peeps, and poisonally I like to always have teh newest versions/at least be aware of 'em. I really dislike stealth updates, fo' sho'.
"s'not like it's costing moolah"

I don't want to get into this topic too much since it is a little bit over my head in so many ways but I would recommend googling "content delivery network" to see how those actually operate :)
Post edited October 01, 2016 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: "s'not like it's costing moolah"
zeogold: Never did I think I'd see the day when a staff member of any company quoted something like that.
I mean, I knew this place was special, but man alive.
Got to work with what's available :)
goglin: Looks interesting. Has anybody played it > 2h?

How is the combat system? In the "lets play" vids it looks a bit imprecise when they select that circle with a direction where the attack should lead to instead of attacking a certain enemy directly..
I've sank about 4-5 hours into it throughout the weekend. I like it, it is a simple yet peculiar game. Much care has gone into the writing and especially into the construction of the world, to the point that every part of its society, every aspect of its politics, and every bit of magic is explained in excruciating detail and has its own lore-appropriate name. It is fascinating but also slightly overwhelming at first and can sometimes feel a bit self-indulgent.

The gameplay is completely linear - you are led from one point to the next with only a wee bit of freedom to occasionally check out a nearby room for codex entries or a slice of random banter from NPC bystanders. It can feel very limiting but personally I don't mind it all that much; I think it suits the game fine.

The combat starts out very simple but as the enemies grow more formidable and your abilities more diverse (each party member has their own set of those), the battles become quite interesting and tactical. The controls are pretty tight and there is also a simple tool to adjust A.I. behavior during combat, but nothing too fancy.

Graphics, music, and voice-acting are all very solid but if you're looking for something moody you'll definitely not find it here.

All in all, the best comparison I could draw is probably Transistor. I can't quite put my finger on it but it vaguely evokes some of the same sensibilities. Plus the nature of your non-human enemies is a pretty clear callback, I'd say.
Post edited October 03, 2016 by maladr0Id
The Mac version is here as of about 20 minutes ago :)