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You must gather yourself before venturing forth.

<span class="bold">Darkest Dungeon</span>, a visceral RPG/roguelike about adventuring under stress, is available now DRM-free on for Windows and Mac with a 20% launch discount.

You hear scratching coming from the decrepit wall on your left flank. You turn around swiftly, almost grazing your torch against the Plague Doctor's creepy mask. She screams in panic more than anguish, then accuses you of pulling another one of your Jester's pranks on the group. For there is nothing crawling on the wall. In the echoing darkness of these accursed halls, you begin to wonder whether paranoia has finally gripped you too. But there is one thing you feel certain of: you've long lost your appetite for pranks.

Darkest Dungeon is a turn-based roguelike, which blossomed thanks to the overwhelming reception to its crowdfunding campaign. The community's valuable feedback later helped shape some of the design choices implemented in the game.
You pick a customizable band of distressed adventurers and plunge them into the devouring depths of the Darkest Dungeon. Fear, famine, misfortune, and nightmarish monstrosities are waiting there to gnaw at their troubled souls and fatigued bodies, but the promise of riches and your rousing speeches will keep them going. Until their gruesome, permanent death.

Survive the perils and psychological ordeals native to the <span class="bold">Darkest Dungeon</span>, DRM-free on And if you wish to drown out the treacherous voices in your head, you can even grab the <span class="bold">Darkest Dungeon: Soundtrack Edition</span>. The 20% discount will last until February 2, 5:59 PM GMT.

The Darkest Dungeon launch promo has been extended to last for a total of two weeks — until February 7, 5:59 PM GMT.

If you purchased the game at full price — between January 26, 6:00 PM GMT and January 28, 9:15 AM GMT — we'll contact you via email to address the difference.
shmerl: Looks interesting, but where is the Linux version (which is available on Steam)? Why can't developers (with GOG's help) release all versions at once here? It's getting to be quite a problem with many releases. Can you at least explain what is the blocker here?
Where do you see the Linux version? I just checked the Steam page and the discussion section and there's not a mention of a Linux version. Is this something offered in a beta branch?
JudasIscariot: Where do you see the Linux version? I just checked the Steam page and the discussion section and there's not a mention of a Linux version. Is this something offered in a beta branch?
shmerl: You are right - my mistake, I looked at the wrong icon on the Steam page. However I see this listed on the Wikipedia.
It's a Wikipedia link...that anyone can edit :P
Kardwill: Well, the very principle of the game is that your adventurers will get killed horribly (or driven so insane that you have to get rid of them), and be replaced with new ones. It's not THAT hard once you understand how it works, but don't get attached to your guys, since they're frail, and the game can be downright cruel.

Personally, I lost my starting group to a random encounter during the tutorial. That kinda... Set the mood for the game ^^
Breja: The question is- do I start the entire game over every time I lose my group, or do I keep going with new characters? I really hate starting over and over, with no progress being made.

I just don't much like games for which difficulty is a feature. I don't like games to be too easy, but after all is said and done I'm playing for fun, not to get frustrated. And let's be honest, I'm not really that good :D I acknowledge that, it's just games after all. I barely ever play on a higher difficulty setting than normal, or whatever "the middle one" happens to be called, and I don't really want to spend days learning the ins and outs of a game just to stand a chance.
No, you don't start the entire game over if you lose an entire group of adventurers. You'll just need to hire new ones :)
micktiegs_8: Been waiting patiently since its kickstarter campaign. Finally!
edit: on that note, I'm an absolutely idiot. Excitement drove me to buy the game on its own without realising the soundtrack edition was available. Complete derp on my part.
If you haven't downloaded anything, you should be able to get a refund, just send us a Support ticket, please :)
JudasIscariot: No, you don't start the entire game over if you lose an entire group of adventurers. You'll just need to hire new ones :)
zlep: And you keep all the upgrades you've made to your village, and any equipment or treasures you've stockpiled. So rebuilding your heroes from scratch is easier the longer you've been playing. As with many RPGs, Darkest Dungeon is at its hardest at the very beginning, when you only have a handful of newbie heroes and no upgrades.

The game is really as much a guild management sim as an RPG. Although you control the actions of the party you've sent into a dungeon, your "character" is really the head honcho who stays back in the manor, deciding who to hire, how to best compose a party of 4 from your available roster, which equipment you're prepared to risk sending them with, and how to best get your recovering heroes back to top form so you have a viable party ready to go when your current team drags themselves back wild-eyed from the quest you're about to send them on.

I like the game a lot. Instead of protecting the player from failure, it makes it a common enough occurrence that recovering from setbacks is a significant part of the gameplay. You'll have times you're sending off parties with mis-matched skills because everyone else is too insane to trust at the moment. Or you'll risk sending out a party with no healer, because she's close to breaking, and your guild as a whole will suffer if she cracks...

That said, some people just don't enjoy copping setbacks that push their progress back. And I've heard that the endgame may be over-grindy. So even those who enjoy it might find it fun to play, but not much fun to complete. I guess we'll find out now that players have the released version in their hands.
Yes, I forgot to add that the "character" you customize here is the town itself. The adventurers you hire are disposable, for the most part :)
SeduceMePlz: This is the game that has a Kickstarter-exclusive class, right?

If so, not interested. Maybe I'll consider buying it when a huge discount (80% or more) is offered, or if the class is offered as DLC to everyone.
tremere110: There is no kickstarter-exclusive class at the moment. The upcoming Merchant was meant to be but they backed off that idea. There might be a kickstarter-exclusive variant for the merchant though. There are various backer heroes though - anyone can use them

List here.
Yes, just press "Enter" when you are in the Stage Coach screen to enter in a specific backer name :)
Djaron: the game, overall, is very punishing and mercyless
phaolo: Maybe I'll wait for a Dark-less Dungeon mod that changes difficulty from hard to normal :P
It's not hard once you figure out which classes synergize with each other but the trick is figuring out who works well with whom :)

For a non-boss run you can have the following classes:

Occultist Grave Robber Jester Man At Arms (occultist is in the back, man at arms is n the front)

This combo allows you to constantly shuffle with the man at arms providing a boost to speed and accuracy for the whole team, the occultist can weaken enemies and mark them for the Grave Robber's Throw Dagger attack, the Jester can reduce stress while at the same time he can provide another debuff and use a crit-heavy ability called Finale.
JudasIscariot: It's not hard once you figure out which classes synergize
phaolo: Ok, thanks Judas.

tremere110: Well, there is Lighter Dungeon.[..]
You can also mod the game yourself. All of the data files for game variables are simple text files - just open them with notepad or another text editor.
phaolo: Very cool!
If you need to know anything at all about the game there's always the official wiki for Darkest Dungeon: