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La-va land.

UPDATE: Any maelstrom of relentless brutality needs some kickass music to truly shine. <span class="bold">BUTCHER's Extended OST</span> includes the original game soundtrack, as well as extended versions and bonus tracks, in a list of 28 hard-hitting tunes that will make you anxious for the next bloodbath.
The soundtrack is 10% off until February 1st, 2:00PM UTC.

<span class="bold">BUTCHER</span>, an unapologetically gory 2D sidescroller where you KILL ALL HUMANS, is available now for Windows, Mac, and Linux, DRM-free on

The machines won, humanity is pretty much extinct, so what's the purpose of these last surviving meatbags, anyway? No matter - they'll be excellent cannon fodder for your cyborg that's assigned on cleanup duty. Gear up in your full metal jacket and go chase these organic pests out of their underground hideouts, through the remains of their devastated cities, and inside thick jungles. Exercise creative brutality using your shotguns, grenade launchers, and chainsaws to splatter bloody pixels all over the place as you mow down the stubborn humans in a mad festival of hardcore slaughter. Your occasional death (or do cyborgs prefer "retirement"?) is inevitable but so is the ridiculous amount of satisfaction that this old-school carnage will offer you.

Go hunting and exterminate all humans from the face of the planet, as the merciless <span class="bold">BUTCHER</span>, DRM-free on
Post edited January 25, 2017 by maladr0Id
avatar The 10% discount will last until September 12
vicklemos: DAMN! ;P
hyperagathon: Prototype is available here: link

Based on having played it a few days ago: aesthetically it reminds me of Abuse somewhat, gameplay is more like a floatier Teeworlds. The death animations are great fun. I was won over when at one point the entire room went from black to red, due to excessive amounts of blood. Which is to say, the right amounts :)

So, what I'd like to know: 1) is this still a Javascript game? 2) are the controls, especially jumping, still so damn floaty?

Edit: You can download it here if you'd prefer to play it outside the browser: link
It's a Unity game.

As to the controls, well, they didn't feel jumpy to me on a mouse + keyboard but then again I am not very particular about these kind of things so YMMV.
JudasIscariot: As to the controls, well, they didn't feel jumpy to me on a mouse + keyboard but then again I am not very particular about these kind of things so YMMV.
hyperagathon: Well, if you have a minute, play the browser prototype and try moving and jumping. It's more like sliding and floating :)

I went to play it again because I wanted to see if the web version was the same, and damn, I'm definitely buying this. Not for this price, but still. It gives me the same vibe Postal used to when I was a kid, only this is actually fun to play. Putting it on the hardest difficulty somehow only makes it better. And the screams are lovely :p
The prototype is over 2 years old and it's a web version of the game. The Unity version feels more tightly controlled to me but again it's my subjective opinion as someone else might still say the controls feel floaty or something :)
JudasIscariot: The prototype is over 2 years old and it's a web version of the game. The Unity version feels more tightly controlled to me but again it's my subjective opinion as someone else might still say the controls feel floaty or something :)
hyperagathon: I know, I just wanted a comparison between the two. You and Khalosh seem to agree, and that's confirmation enough for me. Thank you as well!
Ok so to illustrate the controls now that I've played the latest version of the game:

- In one level there are these small cubbyholes that you can jump onto in case one of those flying dudes leaves some ammo a bit higher than your normal jump. I don't have to fight with the controls to get up to one of those cubbyholes to get my ammo.

- You can control where you land in the game so maybe that contributed, in the previous version, to the "floaty" feeling? Not sure.

All I know is that I am not fighting with the keyboard to get around. Aiming, on the other hand, has always been tricky for me with a mouse on a 2D plane so, again, YMMV. You aim with the mouse and you have a 360 degree turn angle so you can run around spinning your chainsaw about :D
HereForTheBeer: Is there a really long Gamma Correction slider so I might, possibly, maybe be able to see what's going on? I get it - end of humanity, and stuff is gonna be dark. Does it have to be THAT dark? Might be fun if I could actually see the action...
There is a contrast setting and the game defaults to 35 for contrast, you can turn it up and it gets brighter. Also, there is a CRT setting and that actually tones down the blockiness a bit :D
Post edited October 06, 2016 by JudasIscariot
opIgra: For me, the game page isn't showing up (look at screenshot). Maybe the CSS is not loading?
Have you tried a different browser?