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tinyE: I have over 900 games here and about 70 on Steam. I don't have nearly that many on the HD but I usually keep ten or so from each installed and ready to play.

I got the folder idea from someone in here. It cleans up the desktop and is easier than going to the Start Menu to find the game.
Bass47: Hmmm...nice idea, thanks :)
He don't say. ;)
clean.jpg (320 Kb)
organized.jpg (484 Kb)
Yes, I got the idea from him. :D
mintee: i'd post but it would be rather unspectacular, im in a minimalist phase, handful of shortcuts mostly for games and game tweaks like nexus on a black screen. shortcuts grouped in the middle for when I play in smaller window modes so they cant be seen

boring, i know. i did enjoy going thru game extras and using some of those desktops but its a hassle
Aemony: Eh, could be "worse." Just take a look at my setup just above your post.
that actually made me laugh, now THAT is minimalist. :P
Here's my desktop.

The folders you see there, other than the GOG games folder, are works in progress (I'm a freelancer comic book letterer)... actually they're done, just waiting for the client to send updated scripts with corrections and additions (often he sends scripts with missing dialogue to save time and he fills the rest later). I'll make a backup when all that is done and then I'll delete them from the desktop.

As for the folder I've opened and the program I'm running right now is from a comic I lettered last year (did the second issue a couple of weeks ago), the client wanted to translate it to Spanish, so I'm currently working on that and hope to have it finished tomorrow.

The wallpaper fish is my logo. :)

tinyE: I got the folder idea from someone in here. It cleans up the desktop and is easier than going to the Start Menu to find the game.
I also use a folder to keep all my games in (even the ones that are not GOG games), I don't like having much stuff on my desktop and I like the circular GOG icons, so I keep them all in a folder instead of accessing through the Start menu. I customized my GOG folder to look like the website logo and I also customize several of the games icons, if I don't like the ones provided by GOG or if they don't work properly, sometimes they just don't scale right and look tiny.

EDIT: Oh, you can see I was listening to "I Started a Joke", lol, it's a cover I like from some youtubers.
Post edited March 31, 2018 by krugos2
It's been a while since I've cleaned up my Windows desktop. Also, new wallpaper courtesy of in-game "extras" concept art. :)
Post edited May 05, 2018 by Mr.Mumbles
From a Chinese animation:
Post edited May 07, 2018 by Cambrey
Think I've had that wallpaper for 2 years now, still not tired of it.
ignisferroque: Think I've had that wallpaper for 2 years now, still not tired of it.
now THAT is cool!

I went for devil worship. :P
dt.jpg (121 Kb)
Post edited May 07, 2018 by tinyE
ignisferroque: Think I've had that wallpaper for 2 years now, still not tired of it.
do you have a link for that wallpaper? It looks amazing.
Post edited May 07, 2018 by UnrealDelusion
ignisferroque: Think I've had that wallpaper for 2 years now, still not tired of it.
UnrealDelusion: do you have a link for that wallpaper? It looks amazing.
Ah should have given credit directly.
Here it is:
It's that time of year again!!
desktop.jpg (370 Kb)
hummer010: It's that time of year again!!
Are you ready?

I really do love the Jets, but this ongoing Vegas story is too much fun. :D Plus they just eliminated the team I most despise, the Sharks.
Post edited May 07, 2018 by tinyE
UnrealDelusion: do you have a link for that wallpaper? It looks amazing.
ignisferroque: Ah should have given credit directly.
Here it is:
thank you for sharing the link.
Here's mine.
desktop.jpg (493 Kb)
New wallpaper + updated icon set.
desky.jpg (312 Kb)