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Dicehunter: Cooleo thanks for the reply everyone :)
Just one question. If you don't want to spread games in different platforms why have you registered in 2012?
Welcome to GOG and enjoy such a wonderful game :)
low rated
Ranbir: Just add it to Steam manually, you can launch it through the Steam DRM client then.
I wish people would think before they say this.
Unless you are idiot you know you can run any game through Steam, but that is not the same as "owning" it on Steam.
Steam Achievements, Trading Cards, Workshop (for supported games),a steady network, screenshot publishing, automatic patch updates, easy to revert and fix corrupted files, steam cloud (for saving games saves),game sharing with family members, the ability to play multiplayer through Steam servers and Steam chat, and much more are some of the reasons people might prefer a title on Steam.
You don't get ANY of that by just "running a game through a Steam link".

Not only that but when a person like myself has upwards of a 1000 titles on one client, the idea of using a different client for one game is annoying as heck.
And I purchased mine copy on, I didn't get for "free" or through a hardware offer.
Since the game is the same game either way I don't understand why it's such an issue to allow people to get a Steam key for a same game that is on Gog. Forcing someone to use your client to play a title is off-putting. (Origin I'm looking at you, and Ubisoft.) I have many times NOT purchased a game because it was on the Origin or Ubisoft Uplay garbage and would rather pay a few dollars more to get it on the launcher I like and use.
Post edited March 23, 2019 by user deleted
Dicehunter: I got The Witcher 3 through Nvidia for GOG but was wondering if it could be somehow converted to Steam as I'd prefer my games to be in one place rather than spread out among different platforms :)
No. Part of the reason for GOG providing their game to nVidia is to promote the game for marketing purposes, the other part of the reason is for GOG to promote distribution platform. There's no incentive for them to give away keys for the competition's digital distribution platform.

Maybe when Valve launches the Half-Life collection, Portal 1&2, Left for Dead 1&2, Ricochet, Day of Defeat, etc. DRM-free on the GOG platform and starts giving away free copies of their games with video cards that come as GOG keys, GOG and Steam will make a cross promotion deal where you can take a free GOG promotional game and get a Steam key though.

Either or both of these things is bound to happen eventually. Right about the time the Andromeda Galaxy collides with the Milky Way, forming an even larger GOG Galaxy. :)
Ranbir: Just add it to Steam manually, you can launch it through the Steam DRM client then.
jdwohlever: I wish people would think before they say this.
Unless you are idiot you know you can run any game through Steam, but that is not the same as "owning" it on Steam.
Steam Achievements, Trading Cards, Workshop (for supported games),a steady network, screenshot publishing, automatic patch updates, easy to revert and fix corrupted files, steam cloud (for saving games saves),game sharing with family members, the ability to play multiplayer through Steam servers and Steam chat, and much more are some of the reasons people might prefer a title on Steam.
You don't get ANY of that by just "running a game through a Steam link".

Not only that but when a person like myself has upwards of a 1000 titles on one client, the idea of using a different client for one game is annoying as heck.
And I purchased mine copy on, I didn't get for "free" or through a hardware offer.
Since the game is the same game either way I don't understand why it's such an issue to allow people to get a Steam key for a same game that is on Gog. Forcing someone to use your client to play a title is off-putting. (Origin I'm looking at you, and Ubisoft.) I have many times NOT purchased a game because it was on the Origin or Ubisoft Uplay garbage and would rather pay a few dollars more to get it on the launcher I like and use.
Sorry, I have to bite here. Do you see Steam giving GOG keys for games owned on Steam? Nope. The game is not the same on both platforms, GOG includes hooks for its client (which by the way I am totally against too), Steam includes hooks for its client - and also CEG for majority of the games. So this statement:
"Forcing someone to use your client to play a title is off-putting. (Origin I'm looking at you, and Ubisoft.)" - also includes Steam without which it is not possible to get the game, or in a lot of examples play it without being connected all the time. GOG Galaxy is optional - i.e. you do not have to use it - I personally don't like clients and don't use them, and I have no problem buying games here, downloading via browser and playing. This is rarely possible with Steam, and one of the key selling points of the GOG store.

To also note, GOG recently had GOG Connect which allowed the redemption of certain games which were owned on Steam to redeemed here free. That of course is down to which publishers allow their games to be redeemed on the two separate platforms, and is not under the control of any client be it GOG, Steam, Origin or any other.

Of course, I can see why it is necessary to necro a thread from last year to rant on about someone who has provide a workaround to technical limitations implemented by both GOG and Steam on their respective IP platforms and the limitations put in place by publishers of said games, but if Steam is so wonderful why post here at all - surely the grass is greener over there?
Ugh, just noticed I got necrofragged. <sigh>
If you weren't dealing with game keys it might have been possible, for example I easily got Steam keys for a couple of downloadable sim games I had after contacting the developer (in this case also the publisher). However those were not actual game keys but a complete offline product. I had frequent and serious problems with the manual updates for these particular games, and having them on Steam was much easier.
low rated
We don't have enough flame wars going on here already, we gotta necro one! :P
tinyE: We don't have enough flame wars going on here already, we gotta necro one! :P
the show must go on ^^
low rated
I like using clients it cool
tepowo: I like using clients it cool
It's not a good business model to use your clients...

Oh, and BOT!...
Bots changed their class to necromancer it seems.
Dicehunter: I got The Witcher 3 through Nvidia for GOG but was wondering if it could be somehow converted to Steam as I'd prefer my games to be in one place rather than spread out among different platforms :)
Well, what you wanted to say it, you want to own nothing.
Yeah it's better to have a GOG copy because you can actually download the installer for it.
The offline installers are the best thing about GOG. I hope they never go away.