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Cyker: See, this is the kind of BS that keeps me on GOG -

So does this mean that anyone who bought occulus stuff that's tied to their occulus account is now forced to have a Facebook account or loose access to everything they bought in 2 years time??
First, to understand the importance of this, what does that mean "bought occulus stuff that's tied to their occulus account".

I thought it is a hardware device, so I am unsure what "oculus stuff" I would buy online. Or does it mean that e.g. all games with Oculus support would now need you to login with a Facebook account, while earlier they "only" required you to log into your Oculus account?

A bit like when I buy a laptop or a lawnmower, that's that. It isn't tied to any online account with which I have to buy accessories for the laptop, or more gasoline for the lawnmower.

EDIT: Oh, and why do you repeatedly call it "occulus"? Is that some kind of intentional joke? Occulus Riiifffftttt?
Post edited August 19, 2020 by timppu
Sometimes I feel like creating another facebook account, just so that I can delete it and hopefully again experienced that rush of satisfaction.
Themken: In my nightmares CDP sells off GOG as non profitable enough and something similar happens here.
Not that anyone would want that, but luckily most of us GOG old timers have amassed a DRM-free backlog so large we'd probably be fine for the rest of our lives.
Post edited August 19, 2020 by WinterSnowfall
Oh, I see, these people were fine with having their PC peripherals to require one online account to work properly, but now that they are told to move on to another account, none of them seem to even realize that it was their own fault at not rejecting such a requirement in the first place...
te_lanus: It's so easy to create a fake FB account, and use that with services like this. I know I do this and never had a problem
Services? It's a piece of hardware!
te_lanus: It's so easy to create a fake FB account, and use that with services like this. I know I do this and never had a problem
teceem: Services? It's a piece of hardware!
Hardware that is FORCEFULLY connected to an online-account for it to be used (=service).

I call that DRM AND a service, so everyone who bought that thing should have seen such "problems" coming in the future.

F*** DRM.
Post edited August 19, 2020 by Anime-BlackWolf
Anime-BlackWolf: I call that DRM AND a service
More like "disservice", am I right? Eh? Eh? *tap tap* Is this thing on?
Themken: Scary thought: I just might have bought one if I had had a bit more money. Guess who would have been livid.

In my nightmares CDP sells off GOG as non profitable enough and something similar happens here.
Cyker: The thing is, you'd be able to download your games from GOG and just leave, while still being able to install and play them in the future.

Now imagine if it was Steam that got bought out by a more abusive company...

You'd be totally F'ed since you can't download the installer and all your games are tied to the Steam service!

Imagine you had to convert/merge your Steam account to a Facebook or Apple or Amazon or Microsoft account or lose access to your games... brrrrr!

(oh wait i don't have a steam account! phew! :P)
I have a Steam account, but I dont think I'd miss it all that much if it went away.
I heard about this and this indeed not a good thing for those users who DO NOT want to create a FB account. I know there are quite a few people who do not want to create a FB account.
te_lanus: It's so easy to create a fake FB account, and use that with services like this. I know I do this and never had a problem
Ancient-Red-Dragon: No, that's not easy at all.

Oftentimes, FB's algorithms will automatically prevent you from accessing your account right as soon as you finish signing-up with them, unless & until you first email them a photograph of your birth certificate.

And even if that algorithm doesn't trigger when you sign-up, if you aren't using your real name, then that's a violation of their TOS, so they will ban your account once they find out that you aren't.
Hmm. I guess times have indeed changed with FB since I created my 2nd FB account because years ago I think around 2010ish or so I was able to create a 2nd FB with ease and login in and use it and without sending them a picture of my birth certificate. I also haven't been banned either and I am also using an alias with that 2nd account.. So it is very possible that FB added this birth certificate thing sometime after I created my 2nd FB account.
Post edited August 19, 2020 by Fender_178
Cyker: See, this is the kind of BS that keeps me on GOG -

So does this mean that anyone who bought occulus stuff that's tied to their occulus account is now forced to have a Facebook account or loose access to everything they bought in 2 years time??
Or launch multiple lawsuits for pulling this stunt and hopefully Steam will get pulled into it too.
They really should have kept it seperate, that's all I got to say.
Did anyone not see this coming?

I was keeping on top of Oculus, looked reeally interesting early on, then I saw that name get involved...

It went stright to the bottom of the pile under a Nintendo VirtualBoy.
Well, it is not the only VR set that demands a specific service connection in order to be used.
Themken: Well, it is not the only VR set that demands a specific service connection in order to be used.
i bet those vr sets watch you while you sleep , the reptilians gather so much info from us now , wonder when they will announce themselves as our overlords :(
Fender_178: Hmm. I guess times have indeed changed with FB since I created my 2nd FB account because years ago I think around 2010ish or so I was able to create a 2nd FB with ease and login in and use it and without sending them a picture of my birth certificate. I also haven't been banned either and I am also using an alias with that 2nd account.. So it is very possible that FB added this birth certificate thing sometime after I created my 2nd FB account.
Same I have something like 4 or 5 accounts, and have yet to run into any verification prblems