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"China" returned 81 posts
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low rated
Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
high rated
I was there when it went up on Steam and went to find some folks playing it to see if I would enjoy it myself. Got wrapped up watching a playthrough and did a lot of talking with folks in chat about it. Looked up the developer, things they've had to say on the Steam forums and on Twitter around the time and thought a while longer ( as I usually do for most purchases of games instead of impulse buying ).

I saw all of that shit go down, kept waiting and asking if anyone heard any more news and not hearing more after they left Steam to keep another company that was working with them safe from China's bullshit ( it didn't.. they were still punished pretty heavily for being involved in any way ).

Just finding out when Devotion was even coming to GOG, I was ready to jump on that before it might vanish again because of some awful people bowing to China and their "leader" that can't handle a simple name-calling. .. of Pooh Bear of all things...

So I do care about this. Fuck you for even starting a thread to get people riled up in some sort of 'gotcha'.

You are wrong.
low rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
exactly...many brave warriors here..might as well gather their weapons and travel to china and fight against CCP...right?? probably not..they are behind their chinese computer , texting from their chinese cell-phones which chinese people work in bad conditions to create... and I can write even more...Hopefully now that some people will leave GOG thing here will get better...We had the same thing with that twitter post 1 year ago where I believe Linko was his name lost his job because of them..
low rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
Of course they don't care, if they actually cared about GoG doing this they'd delete their GoG account. That's the problem with fake controversy, it's about the entertainment value not the actual "let's change something."

If you want to do something, write to your government demanding that all trade with china be cut off until they become a democracy. THAT would be standing up for your beliefs and THAT might actually accomplish something. GoG isn't the only company bending over backwards for the CCP.
-I heard of the game when it came out due to everyone talking about it being a fantastic game, unfortunately I didn't have gaming PC at the time to buy it on steam.

-Steam didn't ban the game, the developer's publisher lost it's publishing license in China. In fact, the soundtrack for the game is still on Steam. If they were in the same business as you, washing China's balls, they would have undoubtedly removed all traces of the game, but they didn't.

-Again, other than Valve not stepping in to publish the game themselves, there is no evidence that the game wouldn't be allowed on their store and again, to this day, they still have the game's soundtrack for sale.

-I'm sorry? Do you want us all to travel to Poland and protest outside these people's homes? Have some fucking respect. Not everyone in the company is an amoral CCP piece of crap. The best kind of protesting in these situations IS DOING NOTHING. That nothing of course being, not handing over any money to GOG when we otherwise would have.

-People might move on with their lives. That's a normal thing to do. Doesn't mean the stink of Chinese censorship on this platform is ever going away.

Ding, ding. Wanna go round 2? Or is it game over. Hurry, I hear Xinnie the Pooh has extra cheese on his dong today, wouldn't want you to be late for his cleaning appointment.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by FallenHeroX1
low rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
IAmBored2: Of course they don't care, if they actually cared about GoG doing this they'd delete their GoG account. That's the problem with fake controversy, it's about the entertainment value not the actual "let's change something."

If you want to do something, write to your government demanding that all trade with china be cut off until they become a democracy. THAT would be standing up for your beliefs and THAT might actually accomplish something. GoG isn't the only company bending over backwards for the CCP.
What a stupid take. I'm from the U.S. CD projekt is not a U.S. company. Hold brb, letting the moron known as Donald J Trump know about this while he is in office being a petty ass loser. The government is ineffective when it comes to the free market. There is no evidence of the game not being allowed on steam anyway. Only signs point to them being unable to find a publisher, hence the reason GOG was going to publish the game on their store. Educate yourself and maybe stop being an ineffective dunce. If people speaking out against GOG aren't doing enough? What does that make you? You are bored? Well I would be too if I had such a small mind and need to wax corporate greed by trying to dilute the subject with nonsense. You ask for major steps when you don't even know how to walk.
high rated
Lesser Blight Elemental: I'll gladly take the hit if it means that stuff is manufactured under humane conditions in my own region.
alexandros050: You will gladly take but you are still using your computer and cell phone, fridge , T.V , etc...throw them away and never purchase anything again...Show them your bravery...I know you can do it....Might as well go and live in a cave.
What absolute twaddle, him throwing away already paid for products doesn't do shit; what you are suggesting is just as stupid as buying products to burn them in protest. The company/ccp does not care that you burn your own propperty, you already paid them.

Not buying new junk made in mainland china, but instead buying stuff made locally/Taiwan/Malaysia/Africa, that is the way to hurt the prc and companies that deal with china. If you can't find a phone/whatever that you want that isn't made in prc, do you really need a new phone every 1-2 years?
And no, not everything is made in the prc, that is defeatist nonsense.
low rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
Welcome to the WOKEverse. Where outrage culture only happens when these bums have nothing better to do while cheering GOG for years of rejecting games because they deemed them not worthy. This is all fake or else they'd also have voted against China in the political battleground. But seeing as they cheered when the one president who stood up against China got removed it all looks and feels shallow. They only care about censorship when the agenda suits them but when something gets censored in general they couldn't care less.

Most people are the pinnacle of hypocrisy.
Yeshu: None of you actually care about Devotion.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Even if that were to be true, it's still completely irrelevant.

I am staunchly against censorship, and so are many people.

One need not be interested in the game itself in order to have the right to speak out against the tyrannical acts of GOG both:

a) censoring the game from its platform and

b) flagrantly lying about their reason for doing so, by falsely claiming it was because "many gamers" told them to

So, your thread title is presenting a false premise by strongly implying that only people who are interested in the game should be allowed to have a say in this debacle.

Having said that, there are many fans of the game who would have bought it here on GOG. But again, that's irrelevant: everyone has a right to speak up and oppose GOG's nefarious actions 100% regardless of whether or not they are interested in the game itself.
Most here don't give an F you could see that when GOG rejects a game in general and all the libs are cheering for it cause it wasn't a game they cared about. Most users here have been shown to be nothing more than selfish.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by dgnfly
high rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
I'm going to reply without getting too political about this as that would be against the forum rules.

You shouldn't say that NONE of you cared when Steam banned it - first of all, it was pulled by the publishers, secondly, I personally did care at that point, although as I don't buy through Steam anyway, there wasn't a great deal I could do.

The key thing here that I dislike is the censorship - I would be okay if they pandered to sensibilities by region blocking the game so that the Chinese couldn't buy it, but I don't like GoG using such a blunt tool because "many Gamers" asked them for it (very few of whom have actually appeared to defend the decision here).

dgnfly: Most here don't give an F you could see that when GOG rejects a game in general and all the libs are cheering for it cause it wasn't a game they cared about. Most users here have been shown to be nothing more than selfish.
I agree with your sentiment, but it doesn't mean that I support the banning of the game. Again, trying to not get political as it is against the rules here, I don't believe that any interest group should be able to get things banned or changed for other people. I do believe that GoG should be able to curate for quality, but I don't think they should be curating because they disagree with the content of a game (unless it's clearly inciting terrorism or something like that). I don't want to talk about cancel culture etc., but you can probably draw conclusions as to where I would stand on that.
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.
That's true, and now I am even considering buying the game (and "the other game") from the company, if they sell them DRM-free somewhere.

My take on all this:

1. Stupid Taiwanese developers leaving such provoking political content in their game... UNLESS that was the plan all along, to make people like me aware of the game. In that case it was a brilliant marketing move! Kudos and salutations!

2. While I would have wished to see the game on GOG, I can fully understand why a public company wants to stay out of such highly sensitive political drama. The whole thing is complicated as phuck, and there is no way for GOG to "win" in this. The only way they would have won was to silently reject the game so that no one even knew it was supposed to come to GOG.

3. My only complaint to CDP/GOG is the message about "gamers" urging the game to be removed, that was somewhat... odd... even if it might have been true (yeah, the patriotic Chinese gamers were bombing GOG about it, probably).

4. I still hope Taiwan persists and isn't consumed by China. Biden, do something! Send carriers, send everything you've got! (Trump is too busy pardoning his closest relatives.)

I still don't know if their games are any good, but I do like many horror games, like Realms of the Haunting, Undying, Silent Hill games etc., so at least I am open to try their games. At least now I am aware of this company and their two games.

Having said that, I also wish some Chinese games come to GOG, like the gorgeous-looking one-man project, some kind of slash'em up, that I just saw on Youtube the other day.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by timppu
low rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
Me, I'm just happy to have an extra excuse to dunk on CD Projekt after Cyberbug 2077.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by KentGAllard
low rated
I don't that's true, I never said I cared about it :P
I know these boycotts achieve very little, Gog already made up their mind to sell themselves for some extra money.
Even more useless the outrage what
We need to make laws so this cant happen.
Or we need a huge community with money investment, so it can outbid china in buying our decision-makers.
Who else think the decider at gog got hefty sum of money onto its bank account?:O
Post edited December 18, 2020 by Orkhepaj
high rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.
Indeed I had not.
Yeshu: NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.
I cared not indeed. You know why? Because I buy all my games here at GOG if possible. That means waiting for years until it is released here, not buying games in Steam Early Access because they MIGHT be released here one day and so on.

I have 600+ games here in this platform, I have way, way less over there and many of those I do have there are pre-"me finding GOG". It has happened I decided to buy a game I ALREADY HAD just to support GOG and the devs for releasing the game here - I have NEVER done the other way around, I have never bought a game in other stores that I already had here just to show some support.

So yes, I care not about what Steam does. Same goes to Epic, I don't care about what they do because I just don't buy games there. I care about what GOG goes because I buy things here (sometimes things I already have) for what it represents.
Yeshu: All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
You are dead wrong about this one. I have been fighting the good fight every day against this kind of crap. I am one of those people that are still running Windows 7 because Microsoft is a terrible company, I am one of those people trying to understand Linux because of what it represents. I buy Samsung phones because they removed their factories away from China and I gladly pay more to support local business whenever that is a possibility.

If that was not the case I would not be supporting this site for so long. I buy games here (often games I already own) that I'll likely never play because I want to support the idea, the site and the devs that publish their games here. Once that's gone do you think I'll keep waiting for years to buy something I want just to support this project? Do you think I'll ever buy a game I already own elsewhere just to support the site?

I've always been a proud GOG customer and promoter - I am not feeling proud now...
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.
Whereas you, in all your wisdom, decided to start this "Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?" thread to preach high morals to the allegedly delusional people that start dramas. How's that working out for you so far?

Some may care about the game in particular, some may not. No need to deal in absolutes and generalize if you expect people to take you seriously.

You'll find most people here don't care much about what happens on Steam, because they have little to no expectations of Steam.

They do care about GOG policies and behavior. Had it been any other game, the outrage would have been on the same level.
high rated
alexandros050: probably not..they are behind their chinese computer , texting from their chinese cell-phones which chinese people work in bad conditions to create...
IAmBored2: But you're not willing to give up the cheaper phones, tvs, computers / everything we get from outsourcing there and making the CCP rich right?
alexandros050: You will gladly take but you are still using your computer and cell phone, fridge , T.V ,
Dumbest argument ever. It's like saying "No one must criticise Ireland's decision to ban Aldous Huxley's Brave New World because you once owned a fridge whose light bulb was made in Ireland." You're basically arguing "No must must criticise one issue about a country unless they hate everything about that country". That many people are criticising the Chinese Governments fetish for censorship OUTSIDE of China without 'hating on' Chinese people isn't "hypocrisy", it's a sign of maturity. And if people did start "hating on everything Chinese", the same people complaining about hypocrisy for not doing so, would then turn around and call them 'racist haters' for doing so (which is hypocrisy in itself)...

Besides which, Ancient-Red-Dragon nailed it. The issue isn't "China banned something in China". It's "one single politician in one country wants x product banned everywhere on the planet solely out of personal ego like some 15th Century Emperor". Whether you "like" the game as an individual game or not, it's an extremely bad precedent to set.

Edit: It's also pretty shocking at the cluelessness here of where products are made. Eg, my PC's motherboard comes from Taiwan, my GPU is an American firm (nVidia) using a Korean (Samsung) fabrication lab, only 1 out of 15 Intel fabrication plants is in China, etc. Talk about being educated by the uneducated...
Post edited December 18, 2020 by BrianSim