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Smannesman: Why would they celebrate OPs birthday?
Silly OP, so full of himself.
Normally GOG has a birthday sale around the 10th of september.
But if you wish to celebrate my birthday you have to wait until January. :-)
I demand a Witcher sale !!! :p

* runs away *

On topic : I'm also waiting for a good sale .
Post edited September 10, 2015 by Painted_Doll
No sale - un- R.I.P wallet. came out of beta on 23 September.
amrit9037: I am almost ready for sale.

Laws of GOGladonia prevent the sale of second-hand amrits!
Sachys: a couple of hours from now
Maxvorstadt: Ok, what time is it right now in the UK?
Just ask Google for the time. Search for "Uhrzeit UK". And you will see it.

CEST = BST+1 = GMT+2
Maxvorstadt: Like many others I hoped at least for a birthday promo or better yet an Insomnia promo, but none of them happened. So, what is going on here????
I think it'll start tomorrow, in about 20-21 hours?

Painted_Doll: last year's promo
Yep you're right, started on Friday last time as well.
Post edited September 10, 2015 by huN73R
last year's promo
Post edited September 10, 2015 by Painted_Doll
According to this, last year's sale started on a Monday and lasted for a week.
Sale sounds about quite the welcome. My wife's payday tomorrow :)
My birthday's on 13th September, sale would be a good excuse to buy myself a present.
Azgrel: My birthday's on 13th September, sale would be a good excuse to buy myself a present.
I like the way you think.

I think I'll buy myself a game from GOG on everyone in the forum's birthdays!
Now I'm paranoid about the damn promo...
and it's back :)