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^ Is the chimpanzee in Being John Malkovich.
^ He wishes that he could be John Malkovich, but with Jay Leno's money.
^ wishes he had all of Jay Leno's cars.
^ wishes he was Jay Leno's favourite kitchen appliance.
^ He has his own tank.
^ Wishes he was Trevor from GTA5.
^ Wishes he was Bender from Futurama.
^ Wishes Trevor from GTA5 had the voice of Bender from Futurama.
^ He wishes that Bender from Futurama had the voice of Archer.
^ Actually prefers to think of it as the voice of Bob.
Helped create linda belcher in an alternate universe.
Post edited 3 days ago by JacobSlatter
^ He belched Linda into an alternate Universe.
Saw the errant linda before I deleted it from that post.
^ He saw the error of his ways and then doubled down on them.
Banned for watching Double Down and considering it high art.