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As the title says, I'm looking for some good unarmed/barehand combat PC games. I'm not talking about titles available only on GOG, I'm fine with steam ones too (as long there is no extra drm bundled with them). Any suggestion is welcomed :) .
Post edited August 11, 2017 by Gurlok
Guacamelee is the first game that comes to mind, if you are looking for a 2d sidescroller with combo based combat where unarmed combat is the only option. Be aware that you need a game controller to play that game due to the inputs required for some moves, and the game is not for those who don't have full use of both hands.

Barehanded combat is a viable option in Daggerfall and Battlespire. (In fact, I happen to like it in Battlespire because it gets around the issue of not being able to repair weapons).

And, of course, the original Bard's Tale has the Monk class, which can, at high enough levels, deal more damage than any enemy has HP while having the lowest possible AC, all without needing any equipment (leaving you with more inventory space to carry other items and random drops).
Both Ultima Underworld games can be played unarmed too.
<span class="bold">One Finger Death Punch</span> comes to mind...
First thing that comes to mind : Black and White :P

What genres are you looking for though? Fighting games in general, like Mortal Kombat/Tekken etc. are just about exclusively unarmed.

RPG : You can play as a monk in Neverwinter Nights that only uses his/her fists. Potentially a very powerful character.
FPS : Mirror's Edge; Zeno Clash; Brutal Doom has some, uhm, brutal unarmed combat.
Zeno Clash 1 and 2.
dtgreene: Barehanded combat is a viable option in Daggerfall and Battlespire. (In fact, I happen to like it in Battlespire because it gets around the issue of not being able to repair weapons).
The same applies to Morrowind and Oblivion. Well, not so sure about the "viable option" part, but it is possible to play this way.

Also, the Fallout games come to mind. Though things like knuckles and "Power Fists" still count as "unarmed. And it can be very effective.

And, I haven't played it myself, yet, but I believe Jade Empire has a martial arts based combat system.
Post edited August 11, 2017 by Pherim
Dwarf Fortress is pretty awesome at this. They've got multilimb creatures out the wazoo, over there.
The Zeno Clash series is your best bet, honestly.
Zeno Clash is the first that came to mind for me as well.
There's also Beast Boxing Turbo.
Also perhaps the Batman Arkham series and Sleeping Dogs?
It's not out yet, but Absolver seems to revolve around barehand combat.
Fight Knight!
Where even talking to people means punching them repeatedly.

There's a demo available here:
Thanks for replying to my thread, both guys and girls!

@dtgreene I heard about Guacamelee but I'm not that much into that artstyle...
Daggerfall and battlespire are a bit aged, but I'll give them a shot, thanks!

Regarding the "original" bard's tale, do you mean the one made in the 1985? I'm having hard time figuring which one you are talking about due to muitiple releases/games with a similar name, sorry :/

@Aturuxo I'll try them, thanks!

@Grargar It looks hilarious, needless to say I'll try it, thanks!

@Matewis Do you mean the strategy game? Now that I think about it, there was some kind of fighting system with your pets. I own the original cd rom version, but i doubt it will work on windows 10...

As for genre: I'm thinking more either action games or RPGs, not literally fighting games ala Tekken (well, I would have bought already tekken, if it wasn't infested with denuvo, so...).

Never gave a shot to never winter nights (I think evne 2 should have a monk class, right?), I'll try that too, thanks!
Brutal dome is a mod/standalone version of the original doom?

@MaxFulvus @zeogold and @Smannesman How good actually is Zeno clash? The characters are...odd looking. I saw some gameplays on youtube and the combat system isn't so bad. It's just a brawler or there is more about it?

@Pherim I owned Oblivion on xbox360 back in the day and I LOVED the unarmed combat. I'll try it again once I buy oblivion on GOG aswell :) .

Can't speak for morrowind though, I played the pc version something like 12 years ago, so I need to give it a shot.

I own already on GOG Jade Empire SP, but before going back to it, I hoped to play something new :) .

@Darvond Dwarf Fortress? I'm having hard time finding this game...

@adaliabooks Already preordered it :) .

@rnsvnght Thanks for giving me both the name and the link of this game I didn't know this title at all, it looks incredible! I'll give a shot to the demo :) .
Gurlok: Regarding the "original" bard's tale, do you mean the one made in the 1985? I'm having hard time figuring which one you are talking about due to muitiple releases/games with a similar name, sorry :/
Yes, the 1985 game is what I am referring to. Monks are extremely powerful in the 1985 game. In BT2 they are a bit weak, particularly late game when other fighter types can petrify or instant kill, but monks can't. They're a bit better in BT3, being capable of dealing over 2,000 damage (without magical or bardic assistance), but that still isn't enough to one hit kill many late game enemies.

On the other hand, Monks do get good AC without having to wear armor, freeing up inventory space.

I note that Wizardry 6-8 also have Monks and Ninjas who can fight decently unarmed. Also, Legend of Grimrock has an unarmed combat tree that, from what I have read, is actually pretty good.
Gurlok: As the title says, I'm looking for some good unarmed/barehand combat PC games. I'm not talking about titles available only on GOG, I'm fine with steam ones too (as long there is no extra drm bundled with them). Any suggestion is welcomed :) .
Pillars of Eternity. Play as a monk. Very playable unarmed style.