Posted September 13, 2015

i assumed most users here were 25plus at least, i been mod (long time ago) in a forum where the average age was 16 , you can expect such acts from 'kiddies' but grownup dont hunt for karma/rep or whatever they call it in what forum?
Same for down repping or dekarming (remove 1 karma a day) i never derepped anything and will never de rep anything.
I have steam account cause all the people talked about it, i got curious and created one, well that community has many parts of the 'forum' that look and read so childish, its like a digital comic.
Sometime it looks as if steam exists of 75% minors, those from 13 -16 and loads from <13 who are 'governed' by their parents.
Just read the comments, first they vote for a game (greelit) 90% of the same user destroy a game in reviews and downvote (dont recomend) the game, now why upvoting so it gets a green light and destroy it when the game is not to there liking?
That greenlit is funny to watch, its hilarious, but it also shows its bad, very very bad, plus new rules state that each game needs to get greenlit again, for every single game.
I spoke with a dev and he explained that to me, seems they want to keep the number of 'shitty' games , pardon ma french, to a minimum by having the dev get a greenlit for every new game.
If this would have been applied in the 70s/80s to all big companies like M string (mickeysoft)
then a lot of crappy software would never been released to the public.
Even the big westwood and ea have some games that are not that good, but these dont need greenlit they release stuff themselves.
So steam is a big entertainment show and a good laugh, when i feel sad i watch a steamshow, just read some dumb replies on the steam community and the smile is back :D
And really, with all of the rampant no-strings-attached generosity going about the forums, culminating in the various threads where people were dropping free game codes left, right, and centre, the current situation is where it was bound to end up.
Frankly, the only thing that surprises me now is that it took this long for things get to this point.