rtcvb32: edit: Curiously only
Controlled Demolitions explains the twin towers and tower 7.
Wrong twice over, at least, for the main two towers. You should look up what a volume skeleton is, and compare it to the steel cylinder structure type of the main two towers. You know, if you're at all interested in actually learning anything, instead of just being pants-on-head crazy, as you're turning out to be. There's a whole host of good reasons why the conspiracy theorists won't use simulations from the actual buildings and instead rely on comparisons to other buildings which look vaguely similar on the outside but bear no resemblance, structurally speaking.
Mercury in the form of thimerosal (which you'd know about if you had done any research, but you're not interested in that any more, are you? Just spouting nonsense. What a terrified little life you must now lead) is unlike mercury in ionic or "elemental" form; it clears quickly and easily from the body. You get less mercury in your body from vaccines than from a can of tuna fish. And of course, mercury was removed from vaccines for children fifteen years ago, because people were concerned and there were viable alternatives. It wasn't removed because it was unsafe. So in fact, people in developmental stages get no mercury at all from vaccines. Just from their food. Because good mommies and daddies make sure that kids get plenty of fish, which is high in good fatty acids which help brain development. And also full of methylmercury, which is harder to clear from the body than thimerosal.
Want another thing to freak out about? Guess what's in vitamin b-12? Hint: cyanocobalamin
rtcvb32: If I turn over a package of toothpaste, it has a warning label not to swallow it, and to contact poison control immediately. I consider it as a poison. You don't label something healthy/useful with 'contact poison control'.
Oh, that's so sweet. Let me save us all some time, since we just did this two years ago with JCD-Bionicman. I even mentioned it earlier in this thread.
https://www.gog.com/forum/general_archive/what_are_some_of_the_most_swaying_facts_to_support_antifluoridation Good luck. You've got an actual research chemist in there giving facts. If you were actually the least bit interested, if you wanted to be anything other than a madman worthy of scorn, you'd go get your learn on from that thread. It's a veritable undergraduate primer on clearance mechanisms, steady-state dosing, and the mechanisms of action regarding fluoride ions. Plus is also handily debunks literally everything you're capable of imagining as reasons to be scared of it.