gog2002x: Torchlight 2 is a fun game also and using mods can really enhance the game in many ways. I recall using mods in Torchlight 1 where my summons turned into robots that basically were perma summons I think. Laser shooting summons lol.
Modders over at Nexus Mods (and some from moddb also) truly have extended the life of many games and included so much to the quality of life of these games. Pick any of your favorite games and then hop on over to that site to see if there are any mods to tinker with. ;)
kai2: Thanks. Yeah, I have some experience with mods... but not a lot. I should check out mods more often, but I'm always afraid of breaking games.
A few people have brought up the Torchlight games. What kind of creatures are in the game? Are they somewhat traditional, or...? I looked at the wiki but IMO it didn't list many enemies.
After I replied to you, I ended up looking up some mods over at Nexus. Turns out they don't have any for the 1st Torchlight game, but do have a few for the 2nd game. Which lead me to Google lol and I found a nice fanbased site that had tons for both games.
Just Google torchlightfansite and it should be the top result. If you decide to play (or replay) those games.
There are too many mods there for me to point to one or the other since I haven't tried most of them. Though I did find that robot one after some searching through the lists. They do provide categories such and "Items" Gameplay" etc, so that may help navigation on the site. Most of the mods I DL'd yesterday were from the "Gameplay" section.
Again, this site has mods for both TL1 & TL2. Each mod should have instructions on the individual DL page. If the author takes the time lol and most did from what I could see during my DLs.
I would highly recommend one thing though. Any mod you DL, create a .txt file and copy all the text from the DL page "Description" section to the file and make sure the file name is the same as the downloaded file name (.zip, .7z, .rar or whatever). This will make life easier for you in case you need to know what the mod does or install instructions or whatever the author wanted to convey.
If you decide to replay those games and get stuck using these mods, let me know and I'll do my best to help. Bear in mind, I'm no expert lol, so take that offer with a grain of salt. :)
KetobaK: I recommend Sacred Gold and Sacred 2 Gold, those are games I really enjoy. Also I can add a vote to Titan Quest, Torchlight and Grim Dawn.
Those are all great games, so I'll add my vote to them too. Though Titan Quest AE and Grim Dawn are two of my all-time favorites. :)
P.S. After having played the original version many times, it's now a must for me to play them with mods lol. It's hard to go back to the originals after trying some mods... :(