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@Jinxtah Everyone needs a hobby ;)

Oh and I guess why I actually do care is probably because such people do vote. Think of that. And I also don`t want to see the civil society falling apart in my country thanks to those upcoming dirty trade deals aka corporate schariah. And Bernie Sanders spoke out agianst those. I hope he wins.

But I guess we first have to reach the bottom within this democratic decline before the majority of the people will truly understand the nature of the neoliberal agenda. So maybe it is necessary on the long run. Like the holocaust stopped antisemitism from being acceptable for society.

D`oh! Godwyn`s law again.

I would like to ask you a/some stupid question. How is it in Iceland, I mean how is it to live there? How is work, what do you do in spare time? Do you eat a lot of seafood? And how the fuck do I pronounce the youtubechannel Birgirpall?

Oh and double thumbs up! You are the only country on this planet that threw some bankers after 2008 into jail. XD Yay!
Post edited September 09, 2015 by Mr. D™
Iceland is the least developed Nordic country. It is, I imagine, like Norway would have been without oil. Last to industrialize, last to embrace the Nordic model and always under heavy American influence.

It is a low-wage country, where taxes are high. People work long hours, for low pay and there's very little organized labor. The labor that claims to be organized, isn't really. Worker rights are a hypothetical idea.

The population is generally xenophobic, and I don't mean against anyone in particular - but against the entire world outside this island. Everyone is out to get us!!

But everything you'd expect from a western European country is found in Iceland. This isn't as much "at the world's end" as one might think, it's more that we're left to our own devices because nobody cares much what happens here.

There seems to be no interest from the international community to enforce their will upon Iceland, if anything Iceland is in a constant search for international recognition by adopting what they think is the international consensus.

Like a distant cousin who lives on a farm way out in the countryside, who nobody in the family takes much note of, but is constantly ordering the clothes on the front page of the mail order catalog, thinking that surely that's what the civilized citydwellers wear - though that's just a metaphor, people in Iceland actually dress just the same as any Nordics do.

Though there's a strong tendency to equate the color black and clothes you'd wear to parties, so most upscale parties look like wakes at a funeral. Except more party.

Which is what a lot of people do in their spare time, party. Otherwise, they don't have much spare time. There's those long working hours, weekdays and weekends.

Regarding seafood, I love seafood. But I'm not the typical Icelander. Sure I look the part, but gastronomically no. I'll eat anything that comes from the sea, I'm crazy about it. But Icelanders eat hamburgers.

So, seafood is really hard to get in Iceland, unless you go get it yourself.

Birgir Páll, is pronounced somehow like Bir- like in Birkenstock, -ir like in "irresponsible", Pá- like "pow" and -ll like the -tl of Hitler :)

But it is true that the major heads of the collapsed banks were sent to jail, were taken to court and the Prime Minister at the time was found guilty of negligence in a court of law. A lot of rich and powerful people were humiliated and prosecuted. Many found guilty.

All in all, it's not a bad place to live, but Iceland still has ways to go until the Nordic model is fully achieved. Though that is the general consensus of the population, that it's a goal worth achieving.
Atlantico: snip
That was a very detailed and interesting insight, thank you. :)
May I ask if there are any languages apart from English that are taught in Icelandic schools?
Atlantico: snip
0Grapher: That was a very detailed and interesting insight, thank you. :)
May I ask if there are any languages apart from English that are taught in Icelandic schools?
You're welcome. A bit wordy, but as long as you found it interesting :)

Danish is taught in primary school, high school has German, French or Spanish (one or more of those depending on school)
tinyE: I'm from the Keweenaw Peninsula and if you think that is one of my trade mark smart ass answers, then I dare you to spend a couple of days here and tell me it doesn't qualify as a Scandinavian country. :P We have more fucking Swedes and Fins than either Sweden or Finland!

Shit, all of our street signs are in Finnish! No shit! :P
I knew there was something odd with you ;)
Atlantico: You're welcome. A bit wordy, but as long as you found it interesting :)

Danish is taught in primary school, high school has German, French or Spanish (one or more of those depending on school)
Thank you. It's nice to hear that Iceland's language education doesn't seem to be under heavy American influence. :)
In my opinion, your post has an appropriate length. After all, you mentioned something new in every paragraph so there was nothing that you could have left out without compromising on the interesting content.
Mr. D™: Have some questions about scandinavian countries
What are your questions? Are non-scandinavian people even susceptible to those?
Prah: Sweden representant! Ask away!

I have been to Iceland for 2 hours, worst visit ever.
Tell me everything you know. Iceland is a biggest mystery to me. They are more neutral than Switzerland, they killed EU cash obligations, their language was used as prototype for elven in Lord of the Rings. Aren't them magical?
Post edited September 09, 2015 by Cadaver747
0Grapher: That was a very detailed and interesting insight, thank you. :)
May I ask if there are any languages apart from English that are taught in Icelandic schools?
Atlantico: You're welcome. A bit wordy, but as long as you found it interesting :)

Danish is taught in primary school, high school has German, French or Spanish (one or more of those depending on school)