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low rated
Is it worth spending my neetbux on?
Johnson444: Is it worth spending my neetbux on?

It captures the feel and scale of the original game but with much better movement mechanics.

It's very good indeed
Johnson444: Is it worth spending my neetbux on?
I personally like it, and I would recommend it to fans of the series, but the really honest answer is: depends on what you like about Tomb Raider games.

Movement is much smoother than old Tomb Raider games, the platforming is still complex, but the controls are a bit simpler. The combat is fine, although some quirks might be annoying to people (having to dodge some attacks at the right time to be able to fire a headshot to finish enemies off is a bit weird). The game has some QTEs, so if you hate those, it might be really annoying at times.

The puzzles are still good, you'll see some remixed puzzles from the first game, but I seem to remember most of them were new or were changed enough to not be too familiar (I didn't play them back to back, however, so this might not be 100% accurate). The game isn't a step-by-step remake of Tomb Raider 1, anyway (far from it). The story is also fine, not stellar, but it gets the job done, I'd say.
i bought the old trilogy (A,L,U) some time back....Started anniversary...i would say controls are a bit clunky, but generally is fine...

sadly, i got hooked into witcher 3 and im currently playing that instead...leaving poor lara stranded...
Yup. Anniversary is a good game and a good remake.
low rated
Well that was lucky... it went on sale for about £0.80p not long after making this post so I just went ahead bought it.
Johnson444: Well that was lucky... it went on sale for about £0.80p not long after making this post so I just went ahead bought it.
Well, you better download it quick, then...
I really like the first reboot trilogy (Legend, Anniversary and Underworld), all of them have great graphics at the time and the story is really i teresting across the three games, and the puzzles are challenging too (a substancial difference with the latest reboot), I think you wont regret.

EDIT: Typo.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by KetobaK
low rated
Johnson444: Well that was lucky... it went on sale for about £0.80p not long after making this post so I just went ahead bought it.
BreOl72: Well, you better download it quick, then...
This is not my first GOG account.... I know from experience it takes at least 2 weeks.
Johnson444: This is not my first GOG account.... I know from experience it takes at least 2 weeks.
Ah, so you made this before...yet you had to ask how it is done - got it.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"

low rated
Johnson444: This is not my first GOG account.... I know from experience it takes at least 2 weeks.
BreOl72: Ah, so you made this before...yet you had to ask how it is done - got it.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"

Yes I wanted a method that wasn't via Google. This was clearly stated if you'd bothered to read the thread properly.