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How to escort Caal-Shto to portal? Tried guards and repairing him, but he's stuck in one place and I can't move him even if "road" is clear.
Cziczaki: How to escort Caal-Shto to portal? Tried guards and repairing him, but he's stuck in one place and I can't move him even if "road" is clear.
Exactly the problem I have and it frustrates me so much that there is little to no information on why this happens. I was able to do it once by accident but no matter what I cannot recreate it. Huge disappointment.

I'm completely stumped on how to finish this mission. In the Mission the Caal-Shto needs to make it from one end of the map to the other. How do I get it to move? I tried looking through old guides as well as watching youtube videos of people playing the mission but nothing explains or shows how to get the Caal-Shto to actually move. I've been to all the flashing yellow paint along the way and I've wiped out every single enemy ship on the map at this point, but it won't move. Any advice would be appreciated from homeworld series veterans. This is my first playthrough of this. Thank you.


if repairing Caal Shto doesn't work, and bringing Kun Lan to the first waypoint doesn't work, there may have been a break in the game script and you may need to restart the level.

There was a break in the game's script. I restarted the level and as soon as I moved my recon and fighters to the waypoint this time while I had the Kun Lan guarding the Caal Shto it worked and it moved. For some reason I guess the first time it didn't work.

It could be because I accidentally engaged the Taidan fleet before starting to move.

Yeah I remember putting a number of workers to repair.

From what I can remember you need to set Kuun-Lan to Guard the Caal-Shto, stopping the Guard order will also stop the Caal-Shto. Don't worry, it will automatically stop outside the reach of the Heavy Cruiser and will continue once you dealt with it."

I'm completely stumped on how to finish this mission. In the Mission the Caal-Shto needs to make it from one end of the map to the other. How do I get it to move? I tried looking through old guides as well as watching youtube videos of people playing the mission but nothing explains or shows how to get the Caal-Shto to actually move. I've been to all the flashing yellow paint along the way and I've wiped out every single enemy ship on the map at this point, but it won't move. Any advice would be appreciated from homeworld series veterans. This is my first playthrough of this. Thank you.


if repairing Caal Shto doesn't work, and bringing Kun Lan to the first waypoint doesn't work, there may have been a break in the game script and you may need to restart the level.

There was a break in the game's script. I restarted the level and as soon as I moved my recon and fighters to the waypoint this time while I had the Kun Lan guarding the Caal Shto it worked and it moved. For some reason I guess the first time it didn't work.

It could be because I accidentally engaged the Taidan fleet before starting to move.

Yeah I remember putting a number of workers to repair.

From what I can remember you need to set Kuun-Lan to Guard the Caal-Shto, stopping the Guard order will also stop the Caal-Shto. Don't worry, it will automatically stop outside the reach of the Heavy Cruiser and will continue once you dealt with it."
Seen this and tried replicating the aforementioned. Did not work. Been at this for a while.
Post edited March 02, 2022 by Shellshack