Posted June 14, 2016

Looking for Wave of Darkness and Spaceforce Rogue Universe HD (Both from Groupee's bundles going atm).

I'd be after copies of the fate series myself; I have most other ARPGs.
Quick review of where I am:
Grim Dawn is excellent; I've one lightning based character on the go. They're well into the final difficulty.
Diablo 2 was patched last month & I'm still working on my single player character.
I'm stuck in Titan Quest: Immortal Throne... my character doesn't have the ability to tackle the boss directly & ranged DPS is lacking.
Diablo 3 I'm kinda waiting for them to finish changing it so it's less mmorpg like & more ARPG like.
Torchlight I've finished with one class & 2nd class is abotu 1/3 the way through.
Torchlight 2 I'm done with one class &2nd class is over powered because of farming with the 1st class.
Wave of Darkness I'm about an hour in & it's just not that good.
R.A.W. - Realms of Ancient War... I think I'm in the 3rd area? Where there's the dwarves in the mines. It's kinda plain but not horrible. Physics are low & items are hard to tell apart.
Finished Van Helsing 1 & 2 with 3 about 3/4 the way through before Final Cut came out... kinda waiting on character import if they keep their word about it.
Iesabel - haven't reached the 1st merchant but off hand it seems more put together than Wave of Darkness
Sacred 3 - eh... 8th world? level 12? something like that... it sucks. It really does. yet I can't seem to uninstall it.
Scared 1 & 2 - they just never caught my attention; own both but after playing 2 for awhile I uninstalled it.
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Stuck in the area where you're supposed to use the wolf guy; enemies are killing me in 3 or so hits yet I have the top armour I can buy.
Dungeon Siege 3 - not sure if I think of it as ARPG or not... I like it as a game but it's a bit different... I never though of the 1st 2 as ARGPs... I'm just past the temple but I forget where that is in the game. :-p
Victor Vran: more action than the rest but still fun... it feels more like Gauntlet. Done most 2 star challenges still working on a bunch of 3 stars.
I just started Silverfall again; still in the swamp, just hit level 10
And there's a couple more I have on the go I just can't remember all the names.
But I've never tried the Fate series. :-)