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tfishell: The most egregious case being Grim Fandango of course; however, there is a new wish for "Grim Fandango Original Version" that people can vote on:
Thanks for making me aware of that entry tfishell. :)

This one already had my vote:

tfishell: Also "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge" still hasn't been completed, making me hope (slightly) that GOG will still bring some original versions are alternatives.
That would indeed be greatly appreciated.
darthspudius: They've got more things to worry about then this pointless stuff.
It's not pointless. The more votes a wish has, the more people want it, and the more incentive GOG team has to complete it. A lot of users might want a particular wish completed, but the votes might be spread out too much, giving the appearance that the wish isn't wanted as much as it really is.