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"China" returned 70 posts
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Bah. The only game that interests me in the D2D sale is not available =(
This product is available for purchase worldwide excluding China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
Ah well, just have to wait and see if it ever gets a sale on GamersGate as I can buy it from there.
melchiz: I do not believe that you can, no.
lackoo1111: hmm.;last

You can. I gifted a game for a friend in China through Impulse.
Hawk52: Snip
Typhoon45: Err... How do you figure? Divine added more than enough content to be worth paying less money for it.

Seriously, buy it where you will, but if you avoid one of the expansions why bother?
Because it's broken. The AI won't use many of the features of the new game, the AI can't differentiate logic for wars, they end up crippled within a few years of playing.

That's not even mentioning due to cascading alliances you have to walk on eggshells constantly as a little border skirmish turns into a World War. The three main factions/functions they spent the most time on (Japan, China & Hordes), either aren't fun or do not work very well. And then there's little things they broke in the game like enemy transports being able to land troops on land despite being attacked, and the overall speed of naval battles.

Divine Wind will eventually be great, but it's going to take a long, long time to do so. This is after extensive patching.

If you buy on Steam, you cannot revert to an older EU3 verison. At all. Once you buy Divine Wind, you are stuck with Divine Wind. If GamersGate allows you to individually install the expansions so you can revert to HTTT when needed, then I recommend heartily. But I'm not going to sit here and recommend an expansion for a great game that breaks many aspects of the game.

Edit: They put out a new Beta patch for Divine Wind two days ago. I have not tried it. Looks like they addressed the AI infrastructure issues. Hopefully the game has been improved, I'll try it out soon.
Post edited June 23, 2011 by Hawk52
mutishev: So far so good, the game is downloading thanks to Siannah!

Great person, thanks again for the help. Now lets see when all is downloaded if I will have any problems with GFWL.
GFWL is not supported in China, but I registered games successfully with no problem (Bioshck, Batman AA, Dirt2 so far)

I hope my experience helps!
mutishev: So far so good, the game is downloading thanks to Siannah!

Great person, thanks again for the help. Now lets see when all is downloaded if I will have any problems with GFWL.
hcstc: GFWL is not supported in China, but I registered games successfully with no problem (Bioshck, Batman AA, Dirt2 so far)

I hope my experience helps!
It works like a charm :) Took me some time to figure out how to add the DLCs, but they are downloading too. :)
Dragobr: I see Dead Space 1 and 2 are both $5 on the USA.

Here, they're $7.50 and $14.99. Voring with my wallet.
I saw DS2 at $14.99 in China too.
grynn: Just got it for $8.65 (with IGN discount). I love being outside of EU, you guys should never allow Turkey in lol.
And I don't see a point alowing Turkey in EU because Turkey is not in Europe ffs... If we allow someone in EU that should be China :D
grynn: Just got it for $8.65 (with IGN discount). I love being outside of EU, you guys should never allow Turkey in lol.
spinefarm: And I don't see a point alowing Turkey in EU because Turkey is not in Europe ffs... If we allow someone in EU that should be China :D
I think China should let EU be part of China ^^
grynn: Just got it for $8.65 (with IGN discount). I love being outside of EU, you guys should never allow Turkey in lol.
spinefarm: And I don't see a point alowing Turkey in EU because Turkey is not in Europe ffs... If we allow someone in EU that should be China :D
Most of Turkish ppl including me don't care anyway, only the government wants it. The only advantage for me would be to travel EU countries without getting visa, I needed to go Italian embassy for 3 times to be able to get a visa (for only 5 days :p).

Though only Istanbul (which is half European) itself is bigger than most of EU counties fyi :)
Post edited March 20, 2012 by grynn
spinefarm: And I don't see a point alowing Turkey in EU because Turkey is not in Europe ffs... If we allow someone in EU that should be China :D
deques: I think China should let EU be part of China ^^
Yes they will say ''you must be part of china union'' :))))

in this time Who wants to be part of the European Union, the European economy has burst, still continues to crumble
Post edited March 20, 2012 by eny4lios
ne_zavarj: Am i the only one who don't like GMG ?

They are selling the Steam version of games instead of the DRM free version .
They force you to use their Capsule client to download and install your games .
They are using the $1 = 1 € crap .
I don't like them or dislike them, but I do recommend against using them for the moment as they currently have some security issues. Actually, they've had security issues for over six months now, and still not fixed them (I've checked again today).

Their reaction to these issues being exploited is to entirely block access to their website. UK users have been affected (I imagine they were in the IP range that was blocked) and had their comments at GMG deleted. Taiwan and China have been blocked entirely. No warning, no "please use your account credit as we are blocking you region next week", not even a "You may have noticed that we've been blocking you for the past six months and we do apologise" - just a blanket block. I can't access my account or change my account details, I can't see their site or use my account credit.

So they're not secure and they're also rather lacking in customer service. I recommend using them for Steam keys, but make sure you don't store any payment details with them, and use an entirely unique password for their site. Luckily for us, GMG are rather lacking in decent deals generally (FEAR3 is the only one that stands out in my memory), so we don't generally need to risk using them. :)

Also note that occasionally their customer service agent pops up on forums to weigh in on this issue and remind us how great GMG are without mentioning that he's employed by GMG (possibly an oversight on his part rather than intentional deception).

Hopefully they'll get their issues sorted soon!
cioran: It's 5.99 on steam. It was on sale on amazon and too I think.

It has some really, really weird bugs e.g. you have to start editing your ini file (or config) to get the umbrella to work. The coding is really sloppy and obviously wasn't error checked well or playtested at all because several bugs are just game-breaking. I actually had to edit a few things to get through the main quest, which was infuriating.

The game is 2 patches away from being a legitimately great game, but as it stands, it's a brilliant disaster. Really wanted to like it too, Alice 1 is one of my all time top 10 games.
DarkSlim: I've heared it's 6$ on US store, but I get it for 10$ for some reason which is a bit weird :\

Thanks for the info! if the latest patch still doesn't fix these problems (which you might or might not encounter), I do wish they would release another patch!
On the Steam forums I've read that these bugs might be due to the fact that EA rushed Spicy Horse etc' which is a bummer ><

Either way, as an Alice and American McGee fan, I would love to get and play it :)

If anyone from the UK has a bit of time to help and gift me the game for paypal money, it would be great ^^
Nah, American McGee, et al outsourced all the coding to China. I don't think there'll be any patch. They're aware of the issue, but the coders are a continent away and apparently not really too interested in patching the game, so yeah, you pretty much have to fix it yourself.

LOL, blame the publisher, the troika excuse. The bugs aren't the publisher's fault. AM is practically part of EA anyway.

You should have seen Bad Day in LA, McGee's first attempt to offshore the coding of an entire game. Dear God, just atrocious.
cioran: It's 5.99 on steam. It was on sale on amazon and too I think.

It has some really, really weird bugs e.g. you have to start editing your ini file (or config) to get the umbrella to work. The coding is really sloppy and obviously wasn't error checked well or playtested at all because several bugs are just game-breaking. I actually had to edit a few things to get through the main quest, which was infuriating.

The game is 2 patches away from being a legitimately great game, but as it stands, it's a brilliant disaster. Really wanted to like it too, Alice 1 is one of my all time top 10 games.
OmegaX: Really? I beat the game without touching any config file at all. The only bug I encountered consistently was getting stuck while walking up stairs but jumping always got me unstuck. Also, the first time I fought the last boss it was invincible and it wouldn't attack me either but restarting from the last checkpoint fixed that.
DId you download it from Origin? Maybe they have a more updated version.
The umbrella glitch (they actually bound 2 keys to one button or something similarly insane) affected most users, along with the giant glitch (I think they left out a semi-colon or a curly brace or something). Maybe they finally patched it. I wouldn't hold my breath though. Equally likely, you just might not have been affected.

Did you beat the 3 headed fiend with clockwork bombs or reflected projectiles (via umbrella)? Technically, you can beat them without the umbrella, it just takes a while.

The game had a bunch of other weird bugs too, including invincible enemies and player character, etc.

Controller mapping also had some kind of minor problem that I can't remember.
Neilk40: game download sale ends tomorrow, does have game download sales in the summer like steam does?
fursav: Amazon matched a lot of deals during the steam winter sale so I expect them to do the same during the summer sale.
Gold Box sale tomorrow...
Post edited May 29, 2012 by cioran
fursav: What about debit cards?
Have 6 of them tied to 6 different bank accounts with 6 different banks (in this day and age with how much you can't trust banks, it's best to have your money spread around I say :), but I may only 1 one about once a year?

Honestly, in Bangkok, there are 5 ATMs on every street corner so it's easy to get cash and, unlike America where banks rip you off with fees if you use an ATM that doesn't belong to your bank, here in Thailand if you use another bank's ATM the fees are 3 baht (about 9 cents! :).

I definitely have my complaints about Thailand :), but Thai banks aren't one of them. They're AWESOME.

In Thailand, you can pay all your bills at an ATM machine (electricity, phone, cable, satellite, internet etc) and, if I buy something like airline tickets, I send an email to my travel agent, she sends me quotes, I compare them with prices I see online, choose the cheapest one and she reserves the flight for me for 24 hours. Then I walk half a block to the ATM and I pay her by transferring cash from my bank account to hers.. (Most people in Thailand pay things like flights with direct transfers from their bank account to the travel agency's). Whole thing takes about 30 minutes and I have my flight. No fees, no credit card interest etc.

I've been in Thailand for 10 years and never needed a credit card. I use PayPal for online stuff but, as most things are cheaper in Thailand than what I can buy online, other than games I rarely buy anything else.

Being debt-free, though, life is easy. Plus, as a friend of mine once drummed into my head, when you are debt-free you have FAR more choices. I can pick up and move to Spain next month, take a week's vacation in Malaysia, or go to China tomorrow if I want to. I have money to do all of these things and more. Which was an impossibility when I used to be in debt. Just paying the bills was a freakin' headace :)
orcishgamer: I don't have debt, but I have a credit card for online purchases (Visa Debit actually). So you dislike Amazon, possibly Visa and MasterCard but are okay with Paypal, the kings of dicking over customers as they feel like it... wow.
Dude, learn to read.

As I said, I hate PayPal, but when 60 percent of my income is paid by clients who will ONLY pay thru PP, I unfortunately have no choice.

You pick your battles. Sorry if my refusal to use Amazon pisses you off. But, frankly, I really don't give a shit.
Bloodygoodgames: There are deal breakers to me and Amazon's shutting down WikiLeaks servers after being pressured by the US government was the one that broke the camels back. Before that, they were an average company (never had any major problems with them, never had any stellar customer service either -- just average).

But, once they shut down WikiLeaks, in an attempt to stop people being able to read about what illegal things the US government and other governments around the world were doing because the US government asked them to, I was done with them. Haven't shopped there since. Never will.
StingingVelvet: A US company obeying US laws and not hosting government secrets which could be construed as treasonous? How dare they!

Christ man... even if you are pro-wikileaks you can still recognize amazon would be stupid to do otherwise.
Wow, you're really brainwashed by the US government aren't you? "Could be construed as treasonous? ROFTL.

Right. When was the act of publishing the truth about the internationally illegal acts a government has carried out 'treasonous'? Oh yeah. When the US government doesn't want the rest of the world to know what murdering scumbags they are. (The video of the US military murdering journalists in Iraq would never have come out without WikiLeaks. A massive embarrassment to the US, as it should have been).
Post edited July 24, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames
Titan Quest Gold Edition is 80% off at gamersgate (1.99 € / 3.99 $). I highly recommend it for fans of Diablo 2; it's basically a clone of Diablo 2's gameplay, with better graphics, set in the mythological world of ancient Greece, Egypt, Babylon, and China.

Many other games are also on offer, as mshashankr has already mentioned above. It seems that the GamersGate summer sales are finally starting. :)
Post edited July 30, 2012 by Psyringe
Psyringe: Titan Quest Gold Edition is 80% off at gamersgate (1.99 $/€). I highly recommend it for fans of Diablo 2; it's basically a clone of Diablo 2's gameplay, with better graphics, set in the mythological world of ancient Greece, Egypt, Babylon, and China.

Many other games are also on offer, as mshashankr has already mentioned above. It seems that the GamersGate summer sales are finally starting. :)
$3.99 is so tempting. I was really hoping for GOG to bring it here... but GG's price is superb. Dilemma, dilemma,