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Stig79: Remember when Good OLD Games actually released old games almost every week, instead of a few times a year? Good times.
erbello: Don't worry. New games are getting older and older :)
....and still not showing up here either.
erbello: Don't worry. New games are getting older and older :)
TheCleaner517: ....and still not showing up here either.
please stop being annoying. Nobody wants to read your about your nagging when they actively look for info about future releases.
TheCleaner517: ....and still not showing up here either.
Mjauv: please stop being annoying. Nobody wants to read your about your nagging when they actively look for info about future releases.
so why respond? just ignore it you whiner and quit brown nosing GoG.
Post edited October 19, 2023 by TheCleaner517
Mjauv: please stop being annoying. Nobody wants to read your about your nagging when they actively look for info about future releases.
TheCleaner517: so why respond?
To get you to realize that comments like those achieve nothing when it comes to hastening a game's release but they are more than adequate at annoying other people? And then hopefully get you to stop posting them?

It's not brownnosing for Gog, it's getting you to focus your energy elsewhere. If it gets a game to release faster, that's great. But that's not gonna happen with your complaining in this thread simply because no one at Gog with the power to change anything reads these comments or cares about them!
TheCleaner517: so why respond?
joppo: To get you to realize that comments like those achieve nothing when it comes to hastening a game's release but they are more than adequate at annoying other people? And then hopefully get you to stop posting them?

It's not brownnosing for Gog, it's getting you to focus your energy elsewhere. If it gets a game to release faster, that's great. But that's not gonna happen with your complaining in this thread simply because no one at Gog with the power to change anything reads these comments or cares about them!
Your first mistake is believing you have any control over me posting my opinion. You're the kind of person that likes censoring people. Garaunteed.
joppo: To get you to realize that comments like those achieve nothing when it comes to hastening a game's release but they are more than adequate at annoying other people? And then hopefully get you to stop posting them?

It's not brownnosing for Gog, it's getting you to focus your energy elsewhere. If it gets a game to release faster, that's great. But that's not gonna happen with your complaining in this thread simply because no one at Gog with the power to change anything reads these comments or cares about them!
TheCleaner517: Your first mistake is believing you have any control over me posting my opinion. You're the kind of person that likes censoring people. Garaunteed.
No, my first mistake was assuming you could read. Here, let me make it easier for you. I will speak again, slowly this time.


Now, by all means, keep posting them. It's not like you're wasting YOUR time along with everyone else's... Wait, it is. But don't let that deter you.
TheCleaner517: Your first mistake is believing you have any control over me posting my opinion. You're the kind of person that likes censoring people. Garaunteed.
joppo: No, my first mistake was assuming you could read. Here, let me make it easier for you. I will speak again, slowly this time.


Now, by all means, keep posting them. It's not like you're wasting YOUR time along with everyone else's... Wait, it is. But don't let that deter you.
Lol I'm glad my comments bother you enough to keep responding. But you're the one who obviously can't read. If my comments achieve nothing, why do you care? I reiterate my first point. Ignore it or keep wasting your time. Essentially your comments achieve nothing either but if you wish to continue until a blue steps in to redirect the forum post then by all means, continue.
Mjauv: Kona 2: Brume will be released on GOG according to the developer who commented on the games steam discussion board.
People should let them know that the first game (Kona) is missing the latest update (Patch #3).
Post edited October 19, 2023 by alexandros050
Mjauv: please stop being annoying. Nobody wants to read your about your nagging when they actively look for info about future releases.
TheCleaner517: so why respond? just ignore it you whiner and quit brown nosing GoG.
Because GOG has no function for blocking other users. Now how about you stop pestering others and actually, you know, report on games that DO come to GOG instead of bitching? Or if you prefer the latter, use any of the other threads that are about that exact topic.
Mjauv: Kona 2: Brume will be released on GOG according to the developer who commented on the games steam discussion board.
alexandros050: People should let them know that the first game (Kona) is missing the latest update (Patch #3).
They have, check my link!
Post edited October 19, 2023 by Mjauv
Mjauv: Kona 2: Brume will be released on GOG according to the developer who commented on the games steam discussion board.
No Kona 2 will not be released on GOG for the time being. At the end of the discussion, the developer says that he has tried to talk to their publisher, but for the moment this is not possible.

Currently I've left a message to warn him that an update of the first Kona 1 is missing.
World of Horror is out of early access on GOG!

Edit: It was hidden in a group of announcements.
Post edited October 19, 2023 by RPGFanboy
Mjauv: Kona 2: Brume will be released on GOG according to the developer who commented on the games steam discussion board.
angelblue: No Kona 2 will not be released on GOG for the time being. At the end of the discussion, the developer says that he has tried to talk to their publisher, but for the moment this is not possible.

Currently I've left a message to warn him that an update of the first Kona 1 is missing.
"At the moment I requested a Mac and GOG release with no avail, but everyone is really busy so I guess it's not their priority." - to me, this sounds like a GOG release will come in due time but I guess it can be interpreted differently.
angelblue: No Kona 2 will not be released on GOG for the time being. At the end of the discussion, the developer says that he has tried to talk to their publisher, but for the moment this is not possible.

Currently I've left a message to warn him that an update of the first Kona 1 is missing.
Mjauv: "At the moment I requested a Mac and GOG release with no avail, but everyone is really busy so I guess it's not their priority." - to me, this sounds like a GOG release will come in due time but I guess it can be interpreted differently.
When I saw your post. I thought you were saying it would be released in the next few days. But it's my fault, I misread your sentence.

I trust the studio not to forget GOG. The publisher has already released games on GOG a few months later. So I guess we can hope that Kona 2 will be out by then.
TheCleaner517: ....and still not showing up here either.
Mjauv: please stop being annoying. Nobody wants to read your about your nagging when they actively look for info about future releases.
So you are narcissistic enough to believe you can police how and where other people utter their opinions?

Perhaps more Ritalin would be good for you in the coming years?
high rated
Slay the Princess is getting delayed, it's releasing Monday instead of today.
Apparently there were issues with approving the launch build on Steam.



Could you keep the off topic discussions to PMs, please? A couple posts is fine, but this is starting to get out of hand.
Post edited October 20, 2023 by NuffCatnip