Sachys: So... couldn't get my external HD to power up today (and of course panicked that it had blown). Thankfully it turned out it was just the power supply cable - it had (of course) sheared.
After checking up, its no longer under warranty (though the drive itself is), and so I need to get a replacement.
While I could get an alternative cable or a generic multiadaptor, that would void the warranty thats still viable on the drive itself (so not a risk I'm willing to take).
Ive found multiple listings
online of the exact one (12V 1.5A ADS-18D-12N 12018G Switching Adaptor Power Supply for Seagate) - but some are on ebay (which ive never trusted) and some are on sites that look suspect simply because they're badly designed and some are not the same thing at all.
* * * * *
Here is where you can help - find me a good deal[/url] (NOT a "replacement" / alternative), preferably in the UK (as I need it as soon as possible to get some comissions finished) and from a source that is as risk free as possible.
Details and Model No. -
12V 1.5A ADS-18D-12N 12018G Switching Adaptor Power Supply * * * * *
*puts on tinfoil hat.
Well, the only thing I can add, other than what people have said above, is that using Ebay does come with the inherent money back guarentees as stated by the seller, and by Paypal. Personally, I am the same, don't really trust Amazon or Ebay, however I have found over the years that 90% of the time it is fine, and when things do go wrong sellers are likely to sort it out very quickly. I mean I got a lego game off amazon recently which had a dent in it, mailed the seller and they refunded the full cost no questions asked.
So my suggestion, if you have found exactly what you are looking for (and it seems to be the same item ebay/acadaptors), then go for it, you have a few weeks to try it out and return if its not what you want. Also, if your that worried, use Paypal as an added layer, they handle disputes if necessary.