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amrit9037: Never saw snow in real life.
They don't have snow in Other-Land?
HypersomniacLive: Winters became milder due to all the global climate changes, and the wide-spread effects of El Niño; we just got so used to the change, we now feel the conditions are extremely harsh(er). At least, that's how I see it.
You're right, I think. What I distinctively remember from my childhood are overall reduced temperatures, but with a moderate onset, a longer winter season and a lot more snow that we're currently getting . Blizzards, however, were only a freak occurrence.

Nowadays, we're getting late autumn to early winter temperatures up to January or even early February when for a short time all hell breaks loose, temperatures plummet drastically and there's the usual freak blizzard that paralyzes the country for a week or two.

So yes, but it's not a return to how it was before El Niño, it's something else.
Post edited January 06, 2017 by WinterSnowfall
-3°C right now in Denmark which is not too bad, but the nights recently have been some of the coldest I can remember for many years. No snow yet, though the forecasts says it'll come starting tomorrow. We've had plenty of storms and even flooding recently.
amrit9037: Never saw snow in real life.
Emob78: They don't have snow in Other-Land?
Not on this side of other-land.
Sunny and 0F here at the moment. The wind was here earlier in the week, but it was also a touch warmer ambient.

Currently in the normal winter attire: thermals underneath, jeans and zip-up sweatshirt on top. Works fine for short stints, now that the wind settled into a light breeze.
-4°C, perfectly sunny sky today - lovely winter weather. Except for the lack of snow, but we almost never get that here anyway.
WinterSnowfall: You're right, I think. What I distinctively remember from my childhood are overall reduced temperatures, but with a moderate onset, a longer winter season and a lot more snow that we're currently getting . Blizzards, however, were only a freak occurrence.

Nowadays, we're getting late autumn to early winter temperatures up to January or even early February when for a short time all hell breaks loose, temperatures plummet drastically and there's the usual freak blizzard that parallelizes the country for a week or two.

So yes, but it's not a return to how it was before El Niño, it's something else.
I'd say it can't be an exact return to how it was before, El Niño is only part of (permanent) climate changes all around the world. But here at least, it's more inline with how it used to be, except for the lack of snow - howling, gusting northern winds have always been almost a daily phenomenon in winter, as have temperatures below 0°C during the night, and at times during the day too.

I can only hope that summer won't be so freaking hot and humid.
You're appropriately named for the weather, at least. I hope you all manage through that - I have absolutely no idea what it's like to be in such cold.

Speaking of which, I'd gladly lend you a dozen or so degrees right now. Here in Johannesburg it's still 25°C two hours after sunset.
It's getting worse out there.

I just found this guy in my back yard.
It's rather funny weather in Finland at the moment. Now it seems to be -5C with slight wind here where I live, but it was -16C this morning when I woke up. Yesterday it was -18C all day long. Surprisingly not much snow at all, though, as the ground is a bit white but I wouldn't call it snowy weather....yet.

Luckily I'm within the southern parts of our country and not closer to the north.
Barefoot_Monkey: You're appropriately named for the weather, at least. I hope you all manage through that - I have absolutely no idea what it's like to be in such cold.

Speaking of which, I'd gladly lend you a dozen or so degrees right now. Here in Johannesburg it's still 25°C two hours after sunset.
No. To be appropriately named for the current situation, it would have to be something like "Polar Blizzard". Anyway, it's nice and warm indoors and I've got nowhere to go until Monday morning, so I'm staying put.

I'll have to look for my long-johns this weekend though (seems like it's one of those winters when I need them), but I've got my winter mountain-climbing jacket and boots ready, so I'll be alright even next week. I'm only going to work, not out of town.

Obviously, this thread is for the northern hemisphere, not the other half enjoying the warm embrace of summer at the moment :P. Thanks for the warming thoughts though :).
Since the brexit vote, Britain is no longer subject to European weather. As a result it's just a bit icy out there (both politically and environmentally :)).
amrit9037: Never saw snow in real life.
You're not missing much, just enjoy it on TV. It's more of drag to deal with in real life.

80*F / 26.6*C here in Florida.
Currently +4°C (39°F) here. The fact that you can't even buy winter tires here (or that houses with ridiculously thin windows and leaky window frames don't have any heating at all) should tell a lot about how effing cold this is for me. Snow? Nope, we don't do snow here :P Only once every decade or so. But I wouldn't be surprised if we get some snow on the tops of the highest mountains this winter. Forecast's saying there's some possible precipitation coming.
eksasol: 80*F / 26.6*C here in Florida.
And you're in a gaming forum, hanging out with us?

Okay. :P