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truhlik: Morning all. Is there any list what games popped at night?

truhlik: Morning all. Is there any list what games popped at night?
ArtisticMinstrel: The big list:
Ninja'd, but now you have a choice of EUR or AUD (or just change the URL :P )
Nothing what I'm waiting for. Thanks both of you
high rated
amrit9037: Why to buy [b]NEVERENDING NIGHTMARES for 8$ on DOUBLE INSOMNIA PROMO deal when you can buy it on HUMBLE WEEKLY BUNDLE MONOCHROMATIC for 10$ with 6 other games?
Why would it matter to you, when you supposedly have no money to buy games and instead beg for them? :P Yes I will bring this up everytime I see you post and especially when you comment about not being able to buy things and get caught lying about it :D

To refresh your memory
opticq: I'm the same, I don't like multiplayer that often but Guacamelee and Rayman Origins are just so fun with another person.

Because you get an awesome installer/icon plus goodies. Seriously though, it's nice to have consistency in my games.
amrit9037: Now that's awkward.
installer/icon + goodies really steals show.
But I think there DRM-Free gets updated more quickly than here.
‾\_( ツ)_/‾
Well everyone is allowed to have their own preference. If a game is available here vs somewhere else I will always get it here because I know it will more or less work well and be tested. And when GOG Galaxy comes out it will be nice to have a client. HB can't offer that.
Skimming through to find info on sales during a work break.... find discussion on female gamers and neuropsychiatric disorders. What an interesting group!!!

Most every girl I know plays 3DS (Japanese) or PC (Korean)...if nothing else, pretty serious smart phone gaming. Girl gamers are the best!
Ok I'm really going to bed this time. Good night all.
opticq: <snip> And when GOG Galaxy comes out it will be nice to have a client. HB can't offer that.
Gog galaxy?
MissFable: Ok I'm really going to bed this time. Good night all.
Goodnite :)
opticq: <snip> And when GOG Galaxy comes out it will be nice to have a client. HB can't offer that.
ArtisticMinstrel: Gog galaxy?
GOG's answer to Steam - client to download and play single and multiplayer games
MissFable: Ok I'm really going to bed this time. Good night all.
Good night.
opticq: <snip> And when GOG Galaxy comes out it will be nice to have a client. HB can't offer that.
ArtisticMinstrel: Gog galaxy?
Jenkinz: Also tryna get her into the Witcher with me, so that should be fun.
I am pretty similar, if she says a game looks cool, its the next thing I buy.
She enjoys the obvious point-and-clicks, but is still keen to jump into some Gears co-op on the 360.
My collection isnt necessarily driven by her, but it definitely grows when she shows an interest in something, I make a concerted effort to get it.
Yeah we sound very similar in that regard. If she is remotely interested in something, it is a definite yes from me. I generally need to be very interested in something to get it for myself.

She wasn't interested in The Witcher when she saw me playing it the first time. The second time she was and she really enjoyed the small part she played, before getting distracted and heading back to her favourite games :)
Tarnicus: Yeah I don't give the DSM and the psychs who put it together much credence though. It is too heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies. My girlfriend is an Aspie, and as challenging as it can be at times (I cant talk, I have bipolar/ADHD diagnoses and can be very difficult to be with!) we have taken the time to get to know each other. Most times things are great. The biggest issues can be overcome with communication, and it is when she is having a melt-down and I am having an angry mood-swing that we have our challenges. Taking the time to learn who each other is has been a rewarding experience, and I have researched a lot on Autism/Aspbergers as as a result. It presents quite differently between males and females. From what I can tell, we are each on these sliding scales to some extent. I don't think a "normal" human being exists :)

I have played Savant's game, and even though I suck at it, I enjoyed it and it isn't my type of game :)
"Normality" is just a good adventure game, i guess. :D
I actually suffer from GAD with psychosomatic manifestations such as IBS and GERD. Recently i even had episodes of atrial fibrillation due to anxiety.
I also suffer from social anxiety. It's not like i have problems with normal social interations, actually i'm rather outgoing usually, but i basically lose control of my emotions whenever i'm faced by someone who is rude, authoritarian or even just too forward.
I guess everybody, more or less, has their fair share of issues.
It should be expected, tho, that anybody partecipating in this madness which is the Insomnia sale can't be entirely sane. I know if i were, i would be sleeping now. XD
opticq: <snip> And when GOG Galaxy comes out it will be nice to have a client. HB can't offer that.
ArtisticMinstrel: Gog galaxy?
A client application similar to Steam but with the difference that it is optional. Galaxy is currently in alpha testing.
low rated
amrit9037: Why to buy [b]NEVERENDING NIGHTMARES for 8$ on DOUBLE INSOMNIA PROMO deal when you can buy it on HUMBLE WEEKLY BUNDLE MONOCHROMATIC for 10$ with 6 other games?
Tarnicus: Why would it matter to you, when you supposedly have no money to buy games and instead beg for them? :P Yes I will bring this up everytime I see you post and especially when you comment about not being able to buy things and get caught lying about it :D

To refresh your memory
bring it on! :P
high rated
HypersomniacLive: If I'm not mistaken, Hitman 2 hasn't come up yet for a third time (contrary to Labyrinth of Time), right? Could someone ping me if it shows up? Just in case?
Please check your PM :D