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opticq: Yup! PM sent
Thank you! I was not looking for a free game though, and you have now deprived all the people the chance to see the number move down 1 more LOL

I really do appreciate the game :-)
Paratech2008: Anyone have a weird glitch were they purchased a game during the sale and after purchasing it and going back to the front page it didn't show as owned even though it was in their library and they received a confirmation e-mail verifying the purchase?

Even worse, I had the game show up in the wrong spot in my library, and I had a hard time finding it. I didn't already have the game either.
Yea, GOG still says I don't own SoMI when I bought it during the promo, but I can download it.
trentonlf: Does Rayman have full controller support?

Trying to decide if will buy, but will only buy if it does.
Yes, it does...and it's buy it.
Paratech2008: Anyone have a weird glitch were they purchased a game during the sale and after purchasing it and going back to the front page it didn't show as owned even though it was in their library and they received a confirmation e-mail verifying the purchase?

Even worse, I had the game show up in the wrong spot in my library, and I had a hard time finding it. I didn't already have the game either.
I had this yesterday where it didn't say owned but when I checked my library it was there.
yogsloth: Here's my current GOG front page.
That happens when the page doesn't load properly. Mine looked exactly like that 2 nights ago, just as Noz came on.
I couldn't get it to come right, I finally shut down my browser (Firefox) and went to bed. It was fine in the morning, but no Noz. :-(
Pardinuz: This Rayman Origins is more like Rayman (takes) Forever

I'd love to have a copy. :)
Was tempted to give it a push but I'm saving the rest of my budget for other titles.
yogsloth: DAMN! Damn damn damn damn!
opticq: Sorry guys, maybe next time? There's a lot of gift giving going on and we have a day minimum left of this promo
hahaha, nice! +1
opticq: Yup! PM sent
yogsloth: DAMN! Damn damn damn damn!
My gifting reflexes are just too fast. Haha. I'm sure your copy will find a lovely home with someone else
Post edited March 06, 2015 by opticq
huN73R: Not sure if you've seen this psychological experiment before, but it was sick.

Tarnicus: I had read briefly on that case many years ago but not in that detail. What a horrid thing to have happen :( I know one baby who had a botched circumcision and do not understand how such a barbaric and unnecessary practise is still common and legal. I am glad that my parents were both in the medical profession and refused to get me "cut" even though it was common in Australia in the 1970s when I was born. I was made fun of a bit when I was younger for being different and am glad my parents chose to leave me whole.
I never really understood the practice since its kind of unsanitary and it makes you more prone to infection as a baby.
Come on Krondor. Replace Deux Ex
yogsloth: Hmm, I no longer have a front page.

I can access the forums - but the front page... simply isn't there.
It,s clear now that not all of the glitches are when it's too busy. It's not browser or os specific, although I tried Opera yesterday and that was really bad, it would frequently grey screen and only load by opening a duplicate tab.
Paratech2008: Anyone have a weird glitch were they purchased a game during the sale and after purchasing it and going back to the front page it didn't show as owned even though it was in their library and they received a confirmation e-mail verifying the purchase?

Even worse, I had the game show up in the wrong spot in my library, and I had a hard time finding it. I didn't already have the game either.
give this a try:
sometime you have to refresh your account.
opticq: Sorry man, maybe next time? There's a lot of gift giving going on and we have a day minimum left of this promo
No worries! I'm happy for Trenton. Thanks for sharing. :)
Tarnicus: Aspergers no longer exists according to the latest edition of the DSM. There is now a sliding scale for "Austistic Spectrum Disorders". But yes he is an Aspie :)
Shendue: Really? This means they agreed on it being just quantitatively, and not qualitatively different from what is commonly considered autism. I kinda remember reading somewhere in the past that there were debates over it being actually a form of autism or something else entirely.
Did you try Savant's videogame? I wonder if it's any good.
Yeah I don't give the DSM and the psychs who put it together much credence though. It is too heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies. My girlfriend is an Aspie, and as challenging as it can be at times (I cant talk, I have bipolar/ADHD diagnoses and can be very difficult to be with!) we have taken the time to get to know each other. Most times things are great. The biggest issues can be overcome with communication, and it is when she is having a melt-down and I am having an angry mood-swing that we have our challenges. Taking the time to learn who each other is has been a rewarding experience, and I have researched a lot on Autism/Aspbergers as as a result. It presents quite differently between males and females. From what I can tell, we are each on these sliding scales to some extent. I don't think a "normal" human being exists :)

I have played Savant's game, and even though I suck at it, I enjoyed it and it isn't my type of game :)
Fellin: I never really understood the practice since its kind of unsanitary and it makes you more prone to infection as a baby.
You can always rely on people to be illogical when it comes to culture and religions.
madth3: Just doing a bit. Will be here for another couple of hours at least.
IAmSinistar: Well it's damn fine work, mate. I'm heading off and will trust this lot to your tender mercies for as long as you can bear them. :)

Momo1991: Kiss? what is this "kiss"? :-p

It is Keep It Simple, Stupid ! :-D
IAmSinistar: Oo, a gimmicky rock band told me it meant "Knights In Satan's Service". Now I feel markedly less cool. ;)
You will ALWAYS be cool, Sinistar :-p Don't let anyone tell you differently!