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Matruchus: So gog is giving up on movies. That's a first.
Jeysie: Makes me glad I already bought Dark Dungeons. Wonder why they're winding it down.
Well, it's not confirmed so we don't know that for sure. If they do stop offering movies though my personal guess would be that they possibly weren't making enough money off of the existing lineup to make it worthwhile, and are unable to secure big name movies or shows with worldwide distribution rights as that is next to impossible as they said in their Twitch TV broadcast a few months back. The only way they could bring hollywood stuff here is if GOG customers would be willing to accept movies/TV shows with regional distribution as that's how ownership works in the movie industry on practically every film produced, with different owners on each property. If the customer feedback they got from our community here was a wall of "worldwide distribution or nothing at all thanks" like I suspect, then we'd more or less be leading towards the "ok, nothing at all it is then" because there aren't other options available from what has been said.

If true that sucks but sooner or later some other DRM-free store is likely to pop up online that was able to negotiate DRM-free hollywood movies and TV Shows without any pre-existing expectations of worldwide distribution built into the negotiation. Those of us who that isn't a problem for can just add a new bookmark to our toolbars at that time I guess. :)
Games Remaining In Current Cycle updated.
ZaineH: Awesome! Came back in time for Cognition. Have Shadowrun Dragonfall and The Gamers had a second run yet?
rMyX: I got a critical hit on The Gamers, I can give it to you if you like.
Are you sure? If you don't want it, I'd certainly watch it. I liked the first one.
goplanet: But $7.99 is a king's ransom for a GOG sale. And of course I don't get a crit. No, I never get a crit. No crits for me! mrghlbrglneedmorecoffee....
trentonlf: How about I hit you with a crit, check your PM for Sam and Max hit the road :)
Thanks! :) The RNG may be cruel, but you restore a tiny bit of my faith in fleshly organisms.

(I apologize if I'm making false assumptions about you.)
j0ekerr: I keep clicking but I'm not getting any criticals!

Grargar: Do not want.
Backstroke of the west.
Jeysie: Makes me glad I already bought Dark Dungeons. Wonder why they're winding it down.
IanM: would it definitely be the case of no more movies added to the cataogue? it could just be someone was given a rejection with vague reasons and that's how they choose to interpret it?
That's certainly a possibility too, we just can't know for sure unless GOG themselves makes a comment or announcement later I guess.
IAmSinistar: Games Remaining In Current Cycle updated.
I guess i can stop updating my list then:
rMyX: I got a critical hit on The Gamers, I can give it to you if you like.
ZaineH: Are you sure? If you don't want it, I'd certainly watch it. I liked the first one.
Yes, no problem. I already had it !
Check your PM.
Looks like I got a critical hit on X-Wing. :D
High probability of the next few games being these
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption (-75%) [300]
Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Thunderscape (-75%) [100]
Vangers (-75%) [100]
The Black Mirror (-75%) [150] *
Battle Isle Platinum (-75%) [150]
Unreal Gold (-80%) [200]
Corsairs Gold (-75%) [150]
huN73R: Man, community was awesome back when there was everyone. It became stale after Troy and Pierce left. I hear that Shirley has left too. :'(
What!? They left the show? Why!?
This is the first time I hear about this! I have seen only the first season!
Well, I suppose there are still many fine episodes for me to see...
X-wing is preparing to jump into hyperspace. Then we'll lose it, forever.

Or until the next sale.

EDIT: It appears their hyperspace drives have been sabotaged, their onboard R2 units will need time to do the necessary repairs. Giving us more time to pick off the rebel scum.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by j0ekerr
Tarnicus: I was almost always the dungeon/game master and never used it in a game. Cheating in games is pointless to me :) It involves spinning the die in a certain way. I'll see if there are any videos of the technique. I've never searched before as the Internet didn't exist when I used to play :)

You know how you can spin a coin so it ends up looking like a sphere? Well it is similar to that. So for a 20-sided die, you would get one of the 5 numbers showing on top. This means that you can narrow the odds significantly. With enough practise, it is possible to learn to almost get the exact number but it is harder on D20s. The same technique can be used for all of them, even a D4!

The only game I remember cheating in was the card game 500, and that was when my father taught me how to cheat shuffle. The only person I cheated against was my mother as it annoyed her to be beaten by a child :P
Green_Hilltop: Oh right! So you basically throw it and make it land on one number where it spins in a sphere. But wouldn't people notice that?
People will notice but not be aware of the technique. I cannot find a single video of the technique and only one mention of spinning it so far. We used to spin coins a lot when I was a child, and dice were a natural progression from that. I stumbled across the technique when doing so as I noticed the pattern. The technique is slightly different for each type of dice. Most people were just mesmerised watching the dice spin, although it can take a while and it if hits anything such as a book or falls off the table, it will yield a different result. I spent hundreds of hours prastising it to fine-tune the technique. I've never made a YouTube video but have had an idea for something I might look to broadcasting myself one of these days, and if I do, I'll put a video up if I can find any of my old dice :) Using both hands to spin works best as it allows even pressure to get the right result :)
IAmSinistar: Games Remaining In Current Cycle updated.
Oh, didnt miss it.
ZaineH: Are you sure? If you don't want it, I'd certainly watch it. I liked the first one.
rMyX: Yes, no problem. I already had it !
Check your PM.
Thank you!