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Matruchus: Its not in this promo unfortunately.
Maxvorstadt: Damn, this is one of two games on my wishlist. The second one is supposed to come soon to GoG.
Which one is the other one if I my ask?
j0ekerr: Whacky wheels is going rather fast considering the time and that we're on the second run.
Splatsch: In contrary to Shadows Heretic Kingdoms, which I expected to go faster.
Well, I've heard about the game not supporting multicore cpu's and have performance issues. Otherwise I probably would have bought it.
repeat seasoned: Stronghold HD (75%)

How many copies? I missed that
The_Blog: And I'm back from the dead. Didn't get much sleep though. Well has to be enough. No Doorkickers or Shadow Runs when I was gone? Good.
Well, I guess Shadowrun Returns was up while you slept, but I`m not sure!
Repeat seasoned: Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey) (75%) [100]
The_Blog: And I'm back from the dead. Didn't get much sleep though. Well has to be enough. No Doorkickers or Shadow Runs when I was gone? Good.
Maxvorstadt: Well, I guess Shadowrun Returns was up while you slept, but I`m not sure!
It was a bit before midnight central european time.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Matruchus
Splatsch: In contrary to Shadows Heretic Kingdoms, which I expected to go faster.
omega64: Well, I've heard about the game not supporting multicore cpu's and have performance issues. Otherwise I probably would have bought it.
Oh, that's a shame, because the game was looking interesting !

Didn't someone wanted LBA 2 ? It just appeared :)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Splatsch
Maxvorstadt: Damn, this is one of two games on my wishlist. The second one is supposed to come soon to GoG.
Matruchus: Which one is the other one if I my ask?
Train Fever seems to be an interesting title, so I wishlisted it, even though it`s not clear when it will come to GoG.
Do I need the first LBG to enjoy the second one?
high rated
Here's a recap from where IAmSinistar left off (and hope I didn't mess up anything):


Hogs of War (-75%) [100]
Sam & Max Hit the Road (-50%) [800]
Return to Mysterious Island (-80%) [150]
Deus Ex™ GOTY Edition (-75%) [200]
Uplink: Hacker Elite (-75%) [200]
Uru: Complete Chronicles (-80%) [100]
Wacky Wheels USD (-75%) [100]
Stronghold HD (-75%) [150]
Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey) (-75%) [100]
Hitman 3: Contracts (-80%) [300]
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident (-80%) [400]
Tomb Raider 1+2+3 (-70%) [200]


Anomaly 2 (-75%) [100]
Legend of Grimrock 2 (-50%) [400]
Aarklash: Legacy (-80%) [150]
Ink {movie] (-50%0 [100]
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms (-60%) [350]
Metrocide (-60%) [100]
Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass (-60%) [300]
Post edited March 04, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
The_Blog: And I'm back from the dead. Didn't get much sleep though. Well has to be enough. No Doorkickers or Shadow Runs when I was gone? Good.
Maxvorstadt: Well, I guess Shadowrun Returns was up while you slept, but I`m not sure!
I meant the other Shadowrun ^^
The Dragonfall one. But thanks for the remark.
Matruchus: Which one is the other one if I my ask?
Maxvorstadt: Train Fever seems to be an interesting title, so I wishlisted it, even though it`s not clear when it will come to GoG.
Its coming this thursday. I emailed the devs and the release date is 5th of march if nothing changes till then but cause of the promo it comes on thursday. Judas already confirmed the release date in updated thread.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Matruchus
j0ekerr: Do I need the first LBG to enjoy the second one?
Not really although you might wonder about a few things because the storyline is continuing.
I prefer the first one due to its consistent isometric perspective.

LBA2 desperately needs a hack that updates the perspective 30 times per second (hitting enter all the time does the trick too...). It only changes the perspective when you press enter to make it less demanding for the hardware, which has you constantly caring about choosing the right angles.
The troubles of early 3D games.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Little Big Adventure 2 is also going fast, giving further credibility to the lack of coinage theory.
Maxvorstadt: Well, I guess Shadowrun Returns was up while you slept, but I`m not sure!
The_Blog: I meant the other Shadowrun ^^
The Dragonfall one. But thanks for the remark.
This is the one I`m waiting for, too. Hope it shows up much later, because I will not have the chance to get a new Paysafecard before 3:00 pm or so. The card I own right now has only 5.16 € left and the game costs 5.39 in the sale.