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ElTerprise: Missed that. But i have the dvd somewhere.
xep624: Sorry folks what movie are you talking about? I'm too sleepy to figure it out ...
ElTerprise: I'm sorry i know literally nothing about the discworld, i'm sorry.
Matruchus: Start with The light fantastic :)
I just looked it up. Why start with the second book?
Post edited March 09, 2015 by ElTerprise
Sachys: okay.

blakstar is coming to give you a hand with the cement mixer and I gave him the nipple clamps and car battery just like you asked.

...not sure why you need them to fix the cement mixer though...
Crewdroog: Yay!!!! A new playma...! I mean, helper, to fix the... um wait, the...cement...mixer. yes. fix the cement mixer. nipple clamps help...charge the battery faster. yes. 'cause science.

heeeere blakstar!
On my waaayyyy!
ElTerprise: I just looked it up. Why start with the second book?
Sorry mixed it up. Its some time ago that I read the series :) Definitely The colour of magic. Its a very colorfoul comedy fantasy series :)

Its the only world that is carried by elephants on the shell of the big Tuin.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Matruchus
Crewdroog: Yay!!!! A new playma...! I mean, helper, to fix the... um wait, the...cement...mixer. yes. fix the cement mixer. nipple clamps help...charge the battery faster. yes. 'cause science.

heeeere blakstar!
blakstar: On my waaayyyy!
*hides in dark corner of rubber room and giggles to self*
Oh that one - it was one of my first movies in the cinema, I think I was 10 or 11... Didn't get all the jokes and references to Star Wars at that time but the comedy was great - I guess I have to watch it again ...
ElTerprise: I just looked it up. Why start with the second book?
Matruchus: Sorry mixed it up. Its some time ago that I read the series :) Definitely The colour of magic. Its a very colorfoul comedy fantasy series :)
That sounds great. I'll try it out.
Matruchus: Sorry mixed it up. Its some time ago that I read the series :) Definitely The colour of magic. Its a very colorfoul comedy fantasy series :)
ElTerprise: That sounds great. I'll try it out.
Warning, if you like fantasy and comedy, you'll get hooked!
xep624: Oh that one - it was one of my first movies in the cinema, I think I was 10 or 11... Didn't get all the jokes and references to Star Wars at that time but the comedy was great - I guess I have to watch it again ...
The nice thing is, under all the tomfoolery there is a great deal of wisdom hidden. "Now is now..."
Matruchus: Sorry mixed it up. Its some time ago that I read the series :) Definitely The colour of magic. Its a very colorfoul comedy fantasy series :)
ElTerprise: That sounds great. I'll try it out.
Go for it. +1 to whole Discworld series.
LinustheBold: snip
I did read your answer to stg83, but I was waiting up, wondering if you would go again ;)
I am wondering whether the way we view the game isn't just simply very different. It seems that you very much appreciate the way information (or what I would call "the story", since it's kind of a chain of events) is conveyed, the way you discover all these secrets just by exploring that home. Kind of a "the travelling is the goal" kind of approach?

For me, that's not the important aspect. The travelling is nice, but I want to know what the destination is. Who are these people? What happened here? Why is everyone gone? I found the answers to these questions to be lacking. I didn't find any of the family members paricularly likable (that includes the silent sister the player is impersonating). I didn't find the way Sam's "secret" was handled particularly inspiring. And I found the "final message" rather terrible (it left me more annoyed than actually gleeful).

But obviously, all of this is open to dispute. I also don't mean to poop in your pool here by talking badly about something you felt was a great experience, so I really hope it doesn't sound that way. I find the points you made totally valid, your experience was just wildly different from mine.
blakstar: On my waaayyyy!
Crewdroog: *hides in dark corner of rubber room and giggles to self*
*is not particularly worried since his avatar knows what evil's lurking around here* :-D
ElTerprise: That sounds great. I'll try it out.
Get the English originals. The translations aren't bad per se, but a lot of the word plays get lost.
Argh, Cognition again.. does anyone think that it's very good? That price is tempting!
blakstar: *is not particularly worried since his avatar knows what evil's lurking around here* :-D
Btw,what about the Borg?
ElTerprise: That sounds great. I'll try it out.
toxicTom: Get the English originals. The translations aren't bad per se, but a lot of the word plays get lost.
I second that!