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I just purchase games on GOG and don’t usually pay any attention on what is going on in the forums. Have no problems with GOG at all. But it probably would be a good idea to keep political topics away from the discussion forums. If not, you keep getting these insane individuals sticking their ugly heads out. We don’t need that in here. For discussion of political topics people can go elsewhere. This is a gaming forum after all. Just my opinion,
Post edited March 11, 2022 by OP1
low rated
I wouldn't say I like GoG. They are a lesser evil to alternatives like steam. That being said I support them less and less nowadays after seeing how the company chooses to bend the knee to china and SJW types whenever possible. The forums could have been something great but because they are moderated by leftie woke types censorship and hypocrisy are rampant.
All things become rigid and stagnant with time - so too with GOG. I still like them and buy games here when I can but while the forums were a fun place to be 5-7 years ago the same cannot be said today..But I'm a "glass half full" type so I look for the fun even on the forums and simply ignore the rest of the BS.
I liked GOG.

Then they changed.
low rated
-GOG serves as a DRM in and of itself.
Games once abandoned and free can now possibly get a day in court
as the excuse "It's no longer for sale" is null and void.

-They are pricey with weak sales

-They're pretty high-horsed and self righteously against key vendors

-They won't let you know when they have pulled a game from your library

+I use the site primarily for rare sales
and the old games which they've done a good job doctoring up
with DOSBox and extras.
Post edited March 11, 2022 by carnival73
Good question.

Early on I was captivated by a chance to being able to finally play old games I love on modern platforms. GOG tech support seemed to know the onions, and tried to do anything they could, to help you to play games you bought. I know that, I spoke with several of them (not sure they still work, though). Sadly, sometimes even their expertise wasn't enough - they couldn't help me to make Rage of Mages working, and it is one of those games I couldn't finish in my younger days and had to return disk to a friend, who lend it to me in the first place.

Then GOG started to change, moving away from "good old games" paradigm, into "still old games, but more like any other store". It's not that bad per se, truth be told, I think their move toward Galaxy was far better than any other "steam-wannabe" online store. Honestly, my biggest gripe here is this Panzer Grau interface colour palette. Personal preferences only - I'm not getting younger, you know. And Wired (surprise-surprise) wrote a good article on how web became unreadable.

Regarding array of "more modern" games, GOG has no advantage over Steam, minus, maybe some "goodies" offered as freebies, in comparison with Steam, where you either have to buy those, or don't have access to them at all. So, unless I'm truly interested, I vote with my wallet - he, who offers better prices or offers game earlier or at all will have my money. I see no point picking one over another due to "loyalty" motifs or something.

Yes, if I really, I mean REALLY like certain game or studio, I'll probably buy everywhere to support developers, but that's pretty much it. Games-wise, there is no point coming here for other than "exclusive" old games that work (if they do). Certain games are not even offered here, probably due to infrastructure issues (offered by Steam) or, probably, to prevent playerbase fragmentation.
Meh. GOG may do some dumb things at times, but at the end of the day it's still just a games store to me. As long as they keep providing games of interest that are DRM-Free (at least for solo play) I'll keep buying. Never had a problem with Galaxy either as long as they offer standalone installers.

I've never got why some believed GOG was ever supposed to be some kind of savior of any kind. It's a business and will always be a business. End of story. There's just too damn many drama queens on here, and that's why I typically stay away from all that other nonsense. I've got more important things to do with my time like playing my games. ;)
low rated
HANZ3R: I wouldn't say I like GoG. They are a lesser evil to alternatives like steam. That being said I support them less and less nowadays after seeing how the company chooses to bend the knee to china and SJW types whenever possible. The forums could have been something great but because they are moderated by leftie woke types censorship and hypocrisy are rampant.
Yeah, weekly porn releases and banning people for pointing out that they sell rape porn. Can't get more SJW than that.
low rated
HANZ3R: I wouldn't say I like GoG. They are a lesser evil to alternatives like steam. That being said I support them less and less nowadays after seeing how the company chooses to bend the knee to china and SJW types whenever possible. The forums could have been something great but because they are moderated by leftie woke types censorship and hypocrisy are rampant.
bombardier: Yeah, weekly porn releases and banning people for pointing out that they sell rape porn. Can't get more SJW than that.
What could that possibly have to do with social justice warfare?

The most you could try to wring out of that would be censorship.
carnival73: -They won't let you know when they have pulled a game from your library
WHAT ????
When did that happen ??
carnival73: -They won't let you know when they have pulled a game from your library
sasuke12: WHAT ????
When did that happen ??
He probably bought game from key site. They will remove the game if it's from stolen credit card.
low rated
I'll share my thoughts, though I don't feel like arguing over them. And of course I'm just one person (and honestly I rarely buy games in general), not everybody shares these opinions, GOG doesn't cater only to me, whatever relevant disclaimers:

I guess my interest in GOG is mainly about them being the "underdog" (especially when they're able to secure exciting releases) and the "old games on new machines"/technical work related to that. (and I learned about some interesting old games I'd never heard before through them too.) DRM-free is crucial to their market position I think, but it doesn't really interest me.

There haven't been any releases recently that have particularly excited me and made me want to spread the word about GOG. I'd never expect brand new "AAA"/big-budget releases but I don't think we've gotten even older ones (like 5 years) recently. Or remaining 90s/early 2000s games from "AAA" publishers. Of course I can't blame GOG for what is out of their control, but if things don't occasionally peak my interest, my interest declines and I look for dopamine elsewhere. :p

Perhaps GOG's small market share and DRM-free stance hurting them even more recently, or maybe it's because publishers lost interest when Galaxy 2 didn't pan out, and/or CP2077 launch issues - like, it seems to me as if GOG should have an easier time getting high-profile games here as they've developed their reputation from 13+ years in business. Maybe GOG are working on stuff behind the scenes, maybe the spring or summer sale will bring something, but I thought the American winter months made the most sense to release high-profile games since everybody is inside, vs the summer when everybody is outside. (Maybe the fall/holiday season is the best time)

If they're spending time doing technical work on old games already on the store, I totally understand needing time to do that, but I think that should be promoted in a newspost.

Serious Sam 2-3, Dead Island, Duke Nukem Forever, original Doom 3 + RoE are the titles that interest me and stand out in my mind.

The Russia ban feels bandwagon-ning to me and I don't really care about women representation in games (though I'd certainly grab the Tomb Raider games from the women sale if I didn't already own them). In general I take a skeptical or cynical attitude towards what (many are calling) the Globalist American Empire, and related powers that be, promote, hype, influence as a trend, etc. (I guess CDP does have good reason with Ukraine being close to Poland, nationalist reasons) If this actually helps GOG's sales, okay I guess. shrug

also #Blumputiler2024 - "the alt-right is altright with me!" :p (I'd take Cumtown doing a sketch called "the Sh-art-Right" far over Colbert's "Vaxx Scene")
Post edited March 12, 2022 by tfishell
In response to the OP,

Yep ^_^

Though if I had a grievance with them I feel I should air - it would be the whole Galaxy 2.0 facade aswell as killing off GoG Downloader. Man that downloader was such a simple thing that did the job~

Still using Galaxy 1.2 for the record, a nice bug free experience.
low rated
Ive liked GOG for a long time for old games as they have thruout the years into newer titles the older games they release now are sloppy release like in case the recent Star Trek game releases broken right out of the box , fixes that dont work, if your gonna relase games to be sold on a platform they should have a small team of developers on hand to fix bugs or to improve and keep these games running on newer OS and graphic fixes. Do a better job of quality control if your going to sell games. Thats my only gripe. Which it isnt a unreasonable request either. Any customer expect the things they buy to work out of the box . GOG is not holding up their end.
HANZ3R: I wouldn't say I like GoG. They are a lesser evil to alternatives like steam. That being said I support them less and less nowadays after seeing how the company chooses to bend the knee to china and SJW types whenever possible. The forums could have been something great but because they are moderated by leftie woke types censorship and hypocrisy are rampant.
bombardier: Yeah, weekly porn releases and banning people for pointing out that they sell rape porn. Can't get more SJW than that.
What did you expect from a group of people that is pushing legalization minor sex?
Post edited March 12, 2022 by cr8zy4u
cr8zy4u: Ive liked GOG for a long time for old games as they have thruout the years into newer titles the older games they release now are sloppy release like in case the recent Star Trek game releases broken right out of the box , fixes that dont work, if your gonna relase games to be sold on a platform they should have a small team of developers on hand to fix bugs or to improve and keep these games running on newer OS and graphic fixes. Do a better job of quality control if your going to sell games. Thats my only gripe. Which it isnt a unreasonable request either. Any customer expect the things they buy to work out of the box . GOG is not holding up their end.
bombardier: Yeah, weekly porn releases and banning people for pointing out that they sell rape porn. Can't get more SJW than that.
cr8zy4u: What did you expect from a group of people that is pushing legalization minor sex?
Can you give me example of which star trek game dosen't work? I have them all and they work fine. I'm starting to see alot lying about GOG from users.
Post edited March 12, 2022 by Syphon72