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Braggadar: Unless you're a fan of the new canon storyline, don't get your hopes up over any new Star Wars titles.

Disney executives would rather chew broken glass than release anything featuring (unedited) storylines they now consider "Legends".
Honestly, I don't have a problem with that. The sequel movies suck, but that doesn't define everything from the new canon. Some of the new books and comics are quite good, Rebels were all right... of course there's a lot of crap too, but that's no different than the old Expanded Universe. I don't really care which canon, old or new, a story is set in, as long as it's good.
Breja: Honestly, I don't have a problem with that. The sequel movies suck, but that doesn't define everything from the new canon. Some of the new books and comics are quite good, Rebels were all right... of course there's a lot of crap too, but that's no different than the old Expanded Universe. I don't really care which canon, old or new, a story is set in, as long as it's good.
The point I was making is that don't expect characters like Kyle Katarn (quite the popular character), now considered non-canon to ever appear in new titles. Which is a shame. They could easily have continued both treads, but they consider anything not suiting their new storyline direction unworthy.

Personally I've given up on the franchise altogether after decades of consuming and feeding the brand, and while I'll still watch the new films as they trickle down to FTA television, I'm not feeding Disney money directly for this franchise.
Breja: Honestly, I don't have a problem with that. The sequel movies suck, but that doesn't define everything from the new canon. Some of the new books and comics are quite good, Rebels were all right... of course there's a lot of crap too, but that's no different than the old Expanded Universe. I don't really care which canon, old or new, a story is set in, as long as it's good.
Braggadar: The point I was making is that don't expect characters like Kyle Katarn (quite the popular character), now considered non-canon to ever appear in new titles. Which is a shame. They could easily have continued both treads, but they consider anything not suiting their new storyline direction unworthy.
They simply had to ditch the old canon. It was convoluted and would make telling any new stories accessible to anyone but the most hardcore fanbase downright impossible. And maintaining two separate ongoing Star Wars universes would be entirely pointless. It would only make everything even more convoluted and hard to get into for anyone new. It's not some crazed idelogical crusade against the old extended universe. Some characters from the old canon already appeared in the new, like Thrawn.
Enebias: A name means nothing. I could revive Looking Glass right now, but with none of the original developers. Would it matter?
The heart and soul would be gone. More likely it would be a cookie-cutter or have a check-off list of things to try and satisfy the fans to a minimum level.

Except i think they are a bit too late, they would have to start from scratch in my opinion after what has been pulled in the last 4 years (not just EA and Disney, but Sony, Marvel, WotC; Nearly everything being infested with SJWs)
Breja: maintaining two separate ongoing Star Wars universes would be entirely pointless. It would only make everything even more convoluted and hard to get into for anyone new.
You mean like with Marvel and DC games?
They still have some vintage Lucas games that ought to be here, mainly those war sims.
idbeholdME: I have exactly zero hopes of them ever releasing a good Star Wars game. It is Disney after all.
dudalb: Even before the Disney deal, the quality of Lucasarts games had gone down the tubes.
They hardly had any in hourse designers, and contracted everything out.
Yeah but I meant it more in a sense that they will not allow anyone to make good games. Whatever comes out will have to have gone through Disney's curation first. And for the consequences of that, just refer to the butchery that is the new SW movies.
lostwolfe: i almost think that's how lucasarts ended up being able to make those indiana jones games: spielberg was a way less contentious guy to work with than lucas ever was and he was probably mostly ok with those adventure games existing.
Breja: Looking at all the old Star Wars expanded universe stuff, I really don't think Lucas was overly sensitive about letting people play with his toys.
i imagine that lucas thought of those as "pulp novels." that would appeal to his sensibilities, i expect. [of course, i'm just ascribing motive to him, here.] so he didn't care what went into them. games were a "new medium" at the time and sw was his gangbusters franchise. he'd probably tread a bit more lightly with his own studio in that realm.

lostwolfe: they could.

but it could also just be a bust.

loom is really a product of it's era.

in the golden age of adventure games, the executives just got out of the way - for the most part - and let the developers/programmers have at it.

a loom, made today, would either:

have to absolutely be given to a small, indie studio.


be a workshopped, focus tested mess.
Breja: Adventure games aren't exactly something big studios make today anyway. The first result of any sort of "focus testing" would be "don't make an adventure game".
that's why if it ever, ever, ever happened at all, it'd be a small studio that they drafted in to make those games. unfortunately, big publishers are generally awful with little studios, so there'd be a lot of meddling and stupidity along the way.
Wait, what?
Breja: maintaining two separate ongoing Star Wars universes would be entirely pointless. It would only make everything even more convoluted and hard to get into for anyone new.
LootHunter: You mean like with Marvel and DC games?
Or Star Trek and the Kalvin timeline?
This is because Disney is screwed. The C level employees at this company have no brains, no talent, no morals and no integrity.

Nobody in any decision-making capacity at Disney is capable of producing good new IP or backing good new IP and getting it made. This is why they have been buying IPs like crazy. Disney's future is only the theme parks

They bought Pixar and all they do is make sequels to IP they bought. Toy Story 4, How many Cars movies? Incredibles 2, Monsters U., Finding Dori.

They bought Marvel and what are they making? Movies based on comic stories from 30-50 years ago.The Infinity War story line is from 1991 Infinity Gauntlet.

They bought Star Wars and put a stupid b*tch in charge and Kathleen Kennedy has run the franchise into the ground that Star Wars movies are being cancelled and the last one actually lost money when you add in the all the marketing and merchandise produced and unsold.

Now they bought the Movie and entertainment division from Fox for more than $70 billion.

And ESPN is screwed. They have been laying off talent, the flagship program SportsCenter is irrelevant (which is why they keep changing formats and it will be a money loser soon - if it is not already). They signed massive contracts to televise the NBA and NFL going forward, except with cord cutting they are losing subscribers and revenue and the amount they owe going forward for the next 15 years is gigantic.

Now they want in on games again, but are reviving an old name and old games to get a last cash grab.
Post edited March 27, 2019 by MajicMan
MajicMan: This is because Disney is screwed. The C level employees at this company have no brains, no talent, no morals and no integrity.

Nobody in any decision-making capacity at Disney is capable of producing good new IP or backing good new IP and getting it made. This is why they have been buying IPs like crazy. Disney's future is only the theme parks

They bought Pixar and all they do is make sequels to IP they bought. Toy Story 4, How many Cars movies? Incredibles 2, Monsters U., Finding Dori.

They bought Marvel and what are they making? Movies based on comic stories from 30-50 years ago.The Infinity War story line is from 1991 Infinity Gauntlet.

They bought Star Wars and put a stupid b*tch in charge and Kathleen Kennedy has run the franchise into the ground that Star Wars movies are being cancelled and the last one actually lost money when you add in the all the marketing and merchandise produced and unsold.

Now they bought the Movie and entertainment division from Fox for more than $70 billion.

And ESPN is screwed. They have been laying off talent, the flagship program SportsCenter is irrelevant (which is why they keep changing formats and it will be a money loser soon - if it is not already). They signed massive contracts to televise the NBA and NFL going forward, except with cord cutting they are losing subscribers and revenue and the amount they owe going forward for the next 15 years is gigantic.

Now they want in on games again, but are reviving an old name and old games to get a last cash grab.
NO fan of Disney, but a lot this rant is BS.
And the what the hell iis wrong with using a classic Marvel comic plot line if it makes for a good movie.
Frankly, I prefere the classic Marvel plotlines to the convoluted messes they have today.
Disney might be not be good at making games, but they have enough money to hire people who are. Something good might come of this, or it might just be another disappointment. I'm not going to waste my energy on it until I've seen reviews of an actual product.