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king_kunat: The removals will happen today - June 7th, 1 PM UTC.
1 pm UTC was... let me check... 6 hours ago. Fan - tas - tic. :-(

DRM-free gaming was nice while it lasted.
Syphon72: This stuff happens all the time when there are legal issues. This is not just a GOG issue.
Oh but it is
If rights holders tried shite with Steam like getting games delisted with less than 24 hours notice, there's a decent chance they'd have a team of Gabe's lawyers shoved down their throats
Oh no. Too late again. But what a cursed week we have now?
tfk48: Piracy is a service problem - Lord Gabe
Not at all... Lord Gabe can still "save your life".
so why was it announced with such a small timeframe? no chance to have gotten the games in time. thanks
Quantum_Quark: We lose a handful of decent games and gain newer ones of lesser quality near every week
It's obvious now, the cat sims and squiggly modern art project games are taking over
is this why you only have seven games?
Syphon72: This stuff happens all the time when there are legal issues. This is not just a GOG issue.
Quantum_Quark: Oh but it is
If rights holders tried shite with Steam like getting games delisted with less than 24 hours notice, there's a decent chance they'd have a team of Gabe's lawyers shoved down their throats
What are you talking about? team of Gabe's lawyers shoved down their throats?
Quantum_Quark: We lose a handful of decent games and gain newer ones of lesser quality near every week
It's obvious now, the cat sims and squiggly modern art project games are taking over
Sachys: is this why you only have seven games?
Very likely some alt account with some free games on it to look more convincing then the 0 games bots.
Wouldn't react to much to a most likely sock pupped somebody is hiding behind.
Post edited June 08, 2024 by foad01
randomuser.833: Very likely some alt account with some free games on it to look more convincing then the 0 games bots.
Wouldn't react to much to a most likely sock pupped somebody is hiding behind.
I don't know who that Gamezranker (just true with a "coolnes" z as it seems) and I don't care anyway.
I just smell a sock puppet against the wind. Even more if so much effort is put into it to make it look like an alt troll account in the first place.

Anyway, back to topic.
Wasn't Novalogic stuff kinda sold not that long ago to new IP holders?
Post edited June 08, 2024 by randomuser.833
randomuser.833: I don't know who that Gamezranker (just true with a "coolnes" z as it seems) and I don't care anyway.
I just smell a sock puppet against the wind. Even more if so much effort is put into it to make it look like an alt troll account in the first place.

Anyway, back to topic.
Wasn't Novalogic stuff kinda sold not that long ago to new IP holders?
Not sure but this is interesting.
not_sure.jpg (137 Kb)
Damn, saw the news too late! Please bring them back :(
Sachys: is this why you only have seven games?
Note that none of them are cat lady games or modern art college rejects

Syphon72: What are you talking about? team of Gabe's lawyers shoved down their throats?
Steam likely wouldn't allow such yoink speed delistings for a number of it's partners when drawing up contracts
If they tried to pull such a stunt steam would probably send their legal team after them

Steam has a bite like a rabid pitbull when it comes to contract legalities while current gog's seems more akin to a pomeranian

randomuser.833: Even more if so much effort is put into it to make it look like an alt troll account in the first place.
So criticizing gog or anything is trolling now? Do note that I at least try to make some valid points while the user you just quoted seems to like to follow people around the board like some creepo stalker
Post edited June 08, 2024 by Quantum_Quark
Quantum_Quark: So criticizing gog or anything is trolling now? Do note that I at least try to make some valid points while the user you just quoted seems to like to follow people around the board like some creepo stalker
More like the "effort" you were putting into creating your avatar and the stuff in your profile.
randomuser.833: More like the "effort" you were putting into creating your avatar and the stuff in your profile.
I usually separate my profile activity from my forum posting
The former is for silly shite while the latter is more serious
Post edited June 08, 2024 by Quantum_Quark