nightcraw1er.488: There are a fair few similarities I grant you. Dying light character control seems to be far more advanced with the parkour movements, and the driving in the following is much easier. But with dl you only have the one character and set of skills, di you have a selection with thier own differences, and because its harder to run away the combat is much more intense. So they have thier own qualities.
<has double barrel shotgun ready>
anothername: Havent played DI, but using a shotgun in DL is next to suicide; the only thing more sucidal would be using it at night! oO
(I've unlocked only the second part of the city yet; driving & outside in the wild stuff are still stuff I only heard about. Yeah, I'm a slow player; and god that game is surprisingly big :D ).
Ah, no. I was going with his post part of >flies away< in terms of grouse shooting, nothing to do with the games.
Ha, I have been through twice, its pretty good game, the story is naff though. Best part about it is running around at night trying not to get killed. Anything which causes a loud noise, and then to cak your pants as you run for it is fun.
Try the I Am Legion mod, as that makes the game a bit more difficult.