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Rock Paper Shotgun posted an article that Dark Messiah of Kicks and Ice Floors is now 10 years old. And universal opinion seems to be that it is a good game. So why isn't the game on GOG yet?
I love that game. Yes, it's linear. Yes, it has a lame plot - none even. But I love playing and replaying it. I hope it comes here but I doubt it will anytime soon.
Since it's a Source engine game I'd say its chances somewhere between slim and none
Bigs: Since it's a Source engine game I'd say its chances somewhere between slim and none
so is vampire bloodlines
and its still here

hell bloodlines was the first non valve source engine game to be released
Bigs: Since it's a Source engine game I'd say its chances somewhere between slim and none
it had a physical drm-free release when it first came out.
Huh.. the more you know... :P

Still wouldn't hold my breath though
Bigs: Since it's a Source engine game I'd say its chances somewhere between slim and none
fortune_p_dawg: it had a physical drm-free release when it first came out.
If I remember correctly, it even had a DRM-free download release for a while.
Post edited October 25, 2016 by Maighstir
Because GOG officially stopped being Good Old Games about 4 years ago, and because being a store that sells good old games doesn't magically make all games available to you just because they're good and old. But you already knew that. :P
Maybe because the game's multiplayer requires Steam and Ubisoft:

1) Isn't willing to sell the game without multiplayer
2) Isn't willing to do the work to port the multiplayer to Galaxy.
Because an article on Rock, Paper, Shotgun declaring a games age is all that is needed for it to be sold here. Riiiiight...
Bigs: Since it's a Source engine game I'd say its chances somewhere between slim and none
snowkatt: so is vampire bloodlines
and its still here

hell bloodlines was the first non valve source engine game to be released
Consortium is also a Source Engine game, if I'm not mistaken, and we have that here as well.
I would REALLY like this game to get to GOG. Back then it was fun. :)

Also, we need Alpha Protocol (hey, last patch already made this game DRM-Free - ready for GOG!) and Jericho (already have Undying and Jericho is much better that first part of Clive Barker's seriers in my opinion). Oh, and also Vietcong+First Alpha+Red Dawn. :)

Dreams, dreams... :(
When I read the title I thought that Dark Messiah was going to be released on GOG and got a little hyped... (:P)
That would be really nice, though, to finally have that game in these lands...
Leroux: Because GOG officially stopped being Good Old Games about 4 years ago, and because being a store that sells good old games doesn't magically make all games available to you just because they're good and old. But you already knew that. :P
There is a wiiiiide ocean between knowing and accepting. Also, there are some GOG team forum lurkers here. Reminding them once in a while that this game exists and would be a logical addition to their catalogue can't hurt. And I bet some GOG team members like this game also und would love to make it available to us here.
Always wanted to try this game