Dev0_NZ: Currently just playing around with it, more for my own customization since this site tends to lack some modern day UX & UI..
So far I've made 1 userscript & 1 port of a darkmode stylus script to userStyle that can be run in firemonkey, tampermonkey etc
Found here:
Github tag+: Thanks for sharing
My insignificant contribution,
A uBlock filter to remove the "source" tracker:
A recent news post to test it:
(any link there)
Unfortunately, as far as I understand, its only cosmetic:
The page(s) visit(s) happen with the tracker enabled (goal achieved)
& its after loading it that uBlock removes the tracker from the address bar
That logic for security reasons:
If it would allow to alter original URLs before visiting them,
it could be used for evil purposes easily
My web programming knowledge is close to null,
I wonder if you or any fellow forum member could suggest an effective remedy
The priorities of this store are hilarious:
They work inserting fcking trackers but NOT to fix the discounts issue...