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low rated
Howdy! It seems lately GOG has been increasing the effort to delete Game Reviews.
However, as many other GOG staff things happening, it is just a rumor/subjective perception without cold impartial numbers to support it.

The purpose of this thread is to log:
1-The Game you Reviewed and Date
2-What and/or Why you think your review got Deleted/Edited
3-If you was notified about it, How (email, chat) and (*optional*) the argument the GOG staff provided

Important: The purpose of this thread is not to complain or challenge deletions/edits.
What for!? Really, think about it for a minute...
Anyway, if you feel the need to do it, respectfully, I ask you to open please your own thread to loose your thoughts there and avoid cluttering/derail here.

Thanks in advance for your collaboration to let us the users community see How the Numbers reflect this GOG silent activity!

To the Forum Code of Conduct connoisseurs: If any of this breaks it, please be so kind to let me know before getting it locked. Furthermore: your advise is welcomed to rephrase the offending portions and avoid trouble.
low rated
I'd be able to tell you what reviews are missing from my collection, if there was even a way to track that.
low rated
Good idea for a thread!

Have I had reviews deleted? Well, let's see...

- Quake: The Offering (Can't remember the date for any of these, sorry)
What and/or Why you think your review got Deleted/Edited:
I explicitly asked for it. I felt that my previous 5-star review no longer accurately reflected the current state of the game.
If you was notified about it, How (email, chat) and (*optional*) the argument the GOG staff provided: I was in contact with them all throughout and they were courteous about it.

- Perception
Had a game-breaking bug, gog NEVER received ANY of the patches/content updates Steam got. The devs were surprisingly open about the fact that they don't intend to patch their game on gog, so I left a 1 star review (it's a 2 star game at best even without any of the above issues) to discourage buyers from spending money on it.
The game was eventually pulled, thank God, and took the review along for the trip to oblivion. It's probably buried somewhere in the website code somewhere, just inaccessible due to the lack of a (public) store page.

Now, the big one: The 2018 website update, which effectively nuked at least half a dozen reviews. No ill intent on gog's part, just plain baffling incompetence.

The affected reviews were:
- STALKER Clear Sky
- Hitman Contracts (at the time of deletion it was voted "most helpful")
- Larry Reloaded (this one was also rated "most helpful")
- Daikatana
- Outlast: Whistleblower
- Moebius Empire Rising

Those are the ones I remember. There may have been more. No word from gog about this.