ddickinson: Good evening!
The week is going good, thank you. How are you?
ElTerprise: Good evening :)
It's a decent week here. How is you week going?
I'm well but slightly bothered because I have to start looking into what to buy as Christmas gifts to a few people and I don't have any ideas yet.
ddickinson: If nationality is not important, why is the headquarters of the entire Federation in the US? And why do all ships in the Federation have the American prefix (USS) on their ships? Surly it should be UFS for United Federation Ship? It sounds to me like the Americans still thought nationality mattered when creating the series. :-)
(That was just a silly comment, nothing to take seriously.)
That may be silly but a interesting comment anyway. I confess I never payed attention to this but now I'm curious to know if there is any explanation to this piece of Star Trek lore.
ElTerprise: Hang on. Only Starfleet Academy and the Federation Council (afaik) are located in San Francisco while the President is located in Paris :)
But you're right and i assume most of that is a remnant of the Original Series where basically the Federation was America in Space and the Klingons were the Soviet Union in Space....
But even though that changed a bit in The Next Generation all of the Star Trek series had a lack of cultural and also species diversity...it was made for an American audience after all... (and USS stands apparently for United Star / Space Ship - and the ships in the pre-Federation actually only have a S.S. prefix)
I wouldn't consider that a silly comment - it's a valid critisism i can agree to :)
And that is a fitting explanation. :-)