akhliber: Good morning, folks! It seems the lady and I have a cold, which is super awesome! Well, no, but having a lazy morning with the pup is, at least. Coffee is on, we're going to sit out back and watch the sun rise here in a few minutes. Otherwise, I'm guessing most of this three day weekend will be spent in bed.
I'm wrapping up the last DLC in Fallout 3, then on to the final quest, so I'll likely beat it today. Took me a while, but it's a rare thing for me to complete any shooter, so I'm excited. I have to agree with what several folks were saying in a forum thread about Fallout 3 recently, that it works better as an open-world sandbox exploration game than as an RPG.
I hope you're all doing well, or getting by as well and comfortably as you're able, otherwise. *hugs and waves all around*
Good morning from here! I'm really sad to hear you are having a coll, giving you all my wishes to get restored! Hoping to doing fine other than that.