Posted July 21, 2015

The Path was a mix between a adventure game and a walking simulator, it had win/fail states based on finding certain interactions, things to collect, interactions and areas you could miss etc etc, Sunset seems to have none of that, it really does seem like a step backward in most every way and I would even call it ugly, definitely their worst looking game.
For a worst case example check out The Graveyard.
I understand that they had a nice following with their earlier games, and that many took issue with Sunset due to the arrogance at which it was sold, and the high price. Perhaps they should either stick to their smaller games, or open their eyes and accept that there is more to a game than just art style, especially if you want a larger customer base.

I need help... to overwhelm DD by a heavy shower of +1...
♥ Thanks in advance !!!... ♥
** Big hugs **
*big hug*

Luckily that phase didn't last long :-)
You would hit a sick woman with a hammer? You Americans really aren't gentleman. :-)
Good morning, BMF!
It feels like I have not spoken to you in a while. How are you, is everything going well in the colonies (even though you might not even live in one of the former colonies)? :-)
Post edited July 21, 2015 by ddickinson