Posted April 19, 2016
You're welcome....i have no idea how often i've used the ARK™ by now....Agent is way too prone to dying :D
AgentBirdnest: Haaaaaaa :-D
I live... again!!! ... Just like Caleb from Blood. That is another one for Moon to play :-) Try to die less ;)
j0ekerr: I see your ARK and I raise youa GECK.
Hurm, it might be all those things you say, but it still looks like computer RISK.
I think I would start with the first one.
As for suggestions. King's Bounty is good.
But HoMM 3 is still better.
You're doing it wrong.
It's: "Git Gud!" GECK?
It's nothing like RISK because it has a diplomatic and political component RISK lacks afaik. Wouldn't do that. The first one is ancient - the third one is way superior than EUI and EUII - but the best one imho is the currently steam-exclusive EUIV
Thanks. I keep them in mind. Currently lack the time to actually play them though :)
Oh...mea culpa ;)

I live... again!!! ... Just like Caleb from Blood. That is another one for Moon to play :-)

Hurm, it might be all those things you say, but it still looks like computer RISK.
I think I would start with the first one.
As for suggestions. King's Bounty is good.
But HoMM 3 is still better.
You're doing it wrong.
It's: "Git Gud!"
It's nothing like RISK because it has a diplomatic and political component RISK lacks afaik. Wouldn't do that. The first one is ancient - the third one is way superior than EUI and EUII - but the best one imho is the currently steam-exclusive EUIV
Thanks. I keep them in mind. Currently lack the time to actually play them though :)
Oh...mea culpa ;)
Post edited April 19, 2016 by ElTerprise