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ddickinson: Sadly there is nothing really they can do, there is surgery that might help, but only might and only help, not fix. The surgery is also very risky, with a less than lovely fatality rate. So far too risky. It is up to my body to heal in order for me to get better. Which is a little hard to do given that I nearly died twice and that has taken its toll on me as well. But hopefully the scans will come back with good news. I should get them either tomorrow or on Friday.

Overall I do feel like I am getting better, some things are easing off. My nerve pain for example is no where near as bad lately, so hopefully that is a good sign. I think it will just take a little time before I get a clear picture if I am getting better or not. Hopefully the test results can help solve that.
I can see why you're not willing to do the surgery. Rolling the dice on your life and having them against you to boot doesn't sound like the best option.

I hope so too. Something beyond "you feel like shit, deal with it" will be good.
CarrionCrow: I can see why you're not willing to do the surgery. Rolling the dice on your life and having them against you to boot doesn't sound like the best option.

I hope so too. Something beyond "you feel like shit, deal with it" will be good.
The surgery was never really an option due to the risk and the fact it was not even guaranteed to work. Not even the doctors were keen on it, they only mentioned it so that I had all the options. The nice thing is that once I get past a certain stage in my recovery then things should start to feel better a lot quicker than it has for me being ill, which has been many months now. It will still take me some time to recover, but hopefully if I can just get out of the danger zone then I will be happy as I will know that I clearly am going in the right direction. I am also curious about the problems with my immune system at the moment, but hopefully it is all linked and will all get better over time.

Anyway, sorry for talking about myself too much. How are you liking the new round or repeats? Or the new release?
ddickinson: The surgery was never really an option due to the risk and the fact it was not even guaranteed to work. Not even the doctors were keen on it, they only mentioned it so that I had all the options. The nice thing is that once I get past a certain stage in my recovery then things should start to feel better a lot quicker than it has for me being ill, which has been many months now. It will still take me some time to recover, but hopefully if I can just get out of the danger zone then I will be happy as I will know that I clearly am going in the right direction. I am also curious about the problems with my immune system at the moment, but hopefully it is all linked and will all get better over time.

Anyway, sorry for talking about myself too much. How are you liking the new round or repeats? Or the new release?
It wouldn't surprise me to see that it's all connected. Your body takes heavy damage, which in turn depletes your immune system. Bad potential domino effect.

No need to apologize. The sale's pretty much done for me at this point. Got bored with the timer, so I stopped worrying about saving the last of the budget and spent it.
No real interest in the new release, either. I'm sure it's enjoyable to some people, just didn't click for me.

Thinking the next game that will be of interest is Darkest Dungeon if it comes out here on its full release day next month.
CarrionCrow: It wouldn't surprise me to see that it's all connected. Your body takes heavy damage, which in turn depletes your immune system. Bad potential domino effect.

No need to apologize. The sale's pretty much done for me at this point. Got bored with the timer, so I stopped worrying about saving the last of the budget and spent it.
No real interest in the new release, either. I'm sure it's enjoyable to some people, just didn't click for me.

Thinking the next game that will be of interest is Darkest Dungeon if it comes out here on its full release day next month.
That is what I am hoping. That sounds much better than several things going wrong on their own.

There are a few games that look interesting, but none that are a must have, especially as my gaming time is non-excistant at the moment due to my health. Maybe during the next sale I will get myself some games and clear my wishlist. At least then I will be free from all the ninja gifters. :-)

I don't think I have seen Darkest Dungeon. I will have to have a look sometime.

I will be off for the evening as my partner will be home shortly. As always, thank you for keeping me company, Mr Crow. It has been lovely chatting. I hope you have a very lovely morning/afternoon, and if I do not see you again tonight, have a lovely day!

*sleepy hug*
ddickinson: That is what I am hoping. That sounds much better than several things going wrong on their own.

There are a few games that look interesting, but none that are a must have, especially as my gaming time is non-excistant at the moment due to my health. Maybe during the next sale I will get myself some games and clear my wishlist. At least then I will be free from all the ninja gifters. :-)

I don't think I have seen Darkest Dungeon. I will have to have a look sometime.

I will be off for the evening as my partner will be home shortly. As always, thank you for keeping me company, Mr Crow. It has been lovely chatting. I hope you have a very lovely morning/afternoon, and if I do not see you again tonight, have a lovely day!

*sleepy hug*
You're very welcome. Get some rest, hope you're feeling better soon. =)
CarrionCrow: Holy crap. You have got way more patience than I do. Tried playing WOW, couldn't get into it.
Course, being in a clan where everyone did their own thing and didn't acknowledge my existence probably didn't help.
That sounds like a really crappy guild. Mine has largely died down from its heyday in the Wrath days (four expansions ago....), but it's still active enough for conversation when you want it and some assistance if needed. That can make all the difference, I've found.

I've played WoW, off and on, for almost eight years. I'll go through very intense phases with it, and boredom phases, and 'maintenance' phases, where I sort of just poke at things. I'm mostly in a 'poke at things' phase, but I'm starting to get back to actually wanting to level characters. It's a very cyclical game for me, at least.
ddickinson: The surgery was never really an option due to the risk and the fact it was not even guaranteed to work. Not even the doctors were keen on it, they only mentioned it so that I had all the options. The nice thing is that once I get past a certain stage in my recovery then things should start to feel better a lot quicker than it has for me being ill, which has been many months now. It will still take me some time to recover, but hopefully if I can just get out of the danger zone then I will be happy as I will know that I clearly am going in the right direction. I am also curious about the problems with my immune system at the moment, but hopefully it is all linked and will all get better over time.
I'm glad to hear from you, although the blacking out thing is a little scary. Very hopefully things will come back well and you can get firmly on the path of recovery! *big, gentle hugs*
Post edited December 09, 2015 by penumbren
penumbren: That sounds like a really crappy guild. Mine has largely died down from its heyday in the Wrath days (four expansions ago....), but it's still active enough for conversation when you want it and some assistance if needed. That can make all the difference, I've found.

I've played WoW, off and on, for almost eight years. I'll go through very intense phases with it, and boredom phases, and 'maintenance' phases, where I sort of just poke at things. I'm mostly in a 'poke at things' phase, but I'm starting to get back to actually wanting to level characters. It's a very cyclical game for me, at least.
I never got why they were recruiting. They only did end-game stuff, they all knew each other and that was their closed off group. I'm sure a better group would have made the experience better, but I wasn't going to latch onto more packs of random people.

Makes sense. If not for the cycling, you'd probably either burn out completely or spend every waking moment playing it.
Good evening everyone *big hugs and waves* :)
ElTerprise: Good evening everyone *big hugs and waves* :)
Good evening. =)

How are you doing?
Good evening (or whatever time it is in your world)!

*Big hugs and waves*

Working late again... As if there's not enough chaos and stress already, my daughter got badly hurt in school yesterday (she slipped taking a tight corner while playing tag and went flying... bruised her hip and knee pretty painfully). Since she couldn't walk stairs or even put on her shoes by herself I had to keep her home. Usually I don't mind working from home, but I really would have needed some talk with my boss eye to eye... And my wife couldn't stay home - in her little kindergarten there are already five staff people missing - one more and they probably would have to shut down the institution.
And the big one is usually easy to handle when she's home - she's very creative and can spend hours painting and drawing and tinkering. But not today - she was bored by everything and so constantly bothering me - so I didn't get as much done as I have to - meaning working late again. :-/

At least it looks she can go to school tomorrow - but no sports yet.

Hope you all had a more pleasant and/or successful day.
Good evening thread!
ddickinson: I am glad you are back home. Hopefully you can have a lovely relaxing evening.
Those naughty customers. Shall I ask Agent to set some fires to teach them a lesson? :-)
So nine more days until you get to enjoy some time off with your family? Do you have anything nice planned for Christmas?

*big hug*
Thanks :)
Ho, yes, please :D that'l surely make things move a little...
Hum... see family... eat garlic snails... see more family... eat more garlic snails... :) then meet friends for new year's eve...
**Big hug back** I hope you have a nice evening !!
ddickinson: Those naughty customers. Shall I ask Agent to set some fires to teach them a lesson? :-)
AgentBirdnest: *Fwoosh* B-|
Heeeey, no, noooooo, it's MY office !!!!!!! ,',',,',',,',',,' :-O **run in all directions**
Post edited December 09, 2015 by Empress_Owl
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

How are you doing?
Greetings Crow :)
I'm fine...long day with stuff in and for university but otherwise i'm good.
How are you?

toxicTom: Good evening (or whatever time it is in your world)!

*Big hugs and waves*

Working late again... As if there's not enough chaos and stress already, my daughter got badly hurt in school yesterday (she slipped taking a tight corner while playing tag and went flying... bruised her hip and knee pretty painfully). Since she couldn't walk stairs or even put on her shoes by herself I had to keep her home. Usually I don't mind working from home, but I really would have needed some talk with my boss eye to eye... And my wife couldn't stay home - in her little kindergarten there are already five staff people missing - one more and they probably would have to shut down the institution.
And the big one is usually easy to handle when she's home - she's very creative and can spend hours painting and drawing and tinkering. But not today - she was bored by everything and so constantly bothering me - so I didn't get as much done as I have to - meaning working late again. :-/

At least it looks she can go to school tomorrow - but no sports yet.

Hope you all had a more pleasant and/or successful day.
Good evening *big hug*
Sorry to hear that. I hope your daughter will be fully recovered soon but being able to go to school again sounds not too bad. Is there any chance that you'll have less chaos and stress soon?

Soccorro: Good evening thread!
'n Abend :)
How are you?
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

How are you doing?
ElTerprise: Greetings Crow :)
I'm fine...long day with stuff in and for university but otherwise i'm good.
How are you?

toxicTom: Good evening (or whatever time it is in your world)!

*Big hugs and waves*

Working late again... As if there's not enough chaos and stress already, my daughter got badly hurt in school yesterday (she slipped taking a tight corner while playing tag and went flying... bruised her hip and knee pretty painfully). Since she couldn't walk stairs or even put on her shoes by herself I had to keep her home. Usually I don't mind working from home, but I really would have needed some talk with my boss eye to eye... And my wife couldn't stay home - in her little kindergarten there are already five staff people missing - one more and they probably would have to shut down the institution.
And the big one is usually easy to handle when she's home - she's very creative and can spend hours painting and drawing and tinkering. But not today - she was bored by everything and so constantly bothering me - so I didn't get as much done as I have to - meaning working late again. :-/

At least it looks she can go to school tomorrow - but no sports yet.

Hope you all had a more pleasant and/or successful day.
ElTerprise: Good evening *big hug*
Sorry to hear that. I hope your daughter will be fully recovered soon but being able to go to school again sounds not too bad. Is there any chance that you'll have less chaos and stress soon?

Soccorro: Good evening thread!
ElTerprise: 'n Abend :)
How are you?
I'm good, you?
Empress_Owl: Heeeey, no, noooooo, it's MY office !!!!!!! ,',',,',',,',',,' :-O **run in all directions**
*hands over massive fire extinguishers and gets a brand new water gun vehicle* :)
Soccorro: I'm good, you?
I'm fine...glad to hear you're doing good :)
Post edited December 09, 2015 by ElTerprise