ddickinson: Star Wars/Lucas Arts Giveaway! I have had some good news today from the hospital about my mother, who is finally going to be on a regular ward and who is recovering quite nicely, due to some new medication. The medication won't fix things, and she still has a long way to go yet, but they will help and things are finally starting to improve. Some other things have also started to get better for me as well, which has really cheered me up, so I thought it was time to celebrate.
So to celebrate, I figured I would do a little giveaway, because I have not done one this year and I enjoy doing them. But! I decided I would offerer it to you lovely people on here, rather then post it on the general forum. So what am I giving away? Well that's easy, any Star Wars/Lucas Arts game of your choice (if you really don't want any of them, then you can pick another game up to $10). The only main rule is that you have to be a regular on this thread. It doesn't matter if you post everyday or every few days, if your face looks familiar, then you are in. :-)
I will let the giveaway run for until the weekend, especially as there are some more games due to be released soon. You can change the game you are entering for, should a more appealing game appear. No being humble and not entering (Hyper!), you are all more than welcome to enter. Please let me know if you are in and for which game.
Prize: Any Star Wars/Lucas Arts game of your choice (or any game under $10, if you don't like/want any SW/LA games).
Rules: 1. You have to be a regular on this thread.
2. I will pick the winner via my trusty paper raffle box.
3. Have fun with the game!
I know giveaways are often posted in the Gifting for Dummies thread, but please don't post this one there, especially as it is only meant for the people who chat on this thread (and I don't want to attract people to this thread who are only here for free stuff).
List of participants: 1. LaPtiteBete - Sam & Max : Hit the Road
2. adaliabooks - Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
3. tinyE - X-Wing Alliance
4. Coming Soon!