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BillyMaysFan59: Heroes 3 HD mod at full 1920x1200 resolution makes everything really small. :P Nice exercise on my eye muscles though :D
Ixamyakxim: I never picked up Age of Empire the first time around, despite always hearing TONS of good things about the game and loving the look / premise / mechanics of it. Was incredibly excited when GoG gave it to me free (yay!) but I barely finished the tutorial :( I just couldn't find a resolution that made the game easy to play. It was painful to find my units in tactical combat and even more so to click on them. Was very bummed :( Sorry to hear it's an issue with HOMM 3 too :( Good luck to you!
It's not much of an "issue" for me in Heroes 3, really :P It's not so bad with the town/combat screens, and I could even get used to the "adventure map" screen (which is where items are the smallest). The main problem is fonts. I wish the HD Mod had a way to crank up the DPI settings in the game or something.... that would be nice because otherwise everything looks nicer at native screen resolution.

Perhaps if I didn't have "need glasses all the time" vision it would be easier for me. :P At the end of the day, however, the game is too much fun for me to care very much. :)

Also you probably mean Age of Wonders, not Age of Empires. ;D
moonshineshadow: *big hug* Yeah our timing does not really match most of the time :D
Yes I have been sleeping better now that it is not that hot any more. How are you doing, any sign of having less heat at your place?
Good morning, Moon, I hope that your headache has gone, and that you slept well. Hope that @DD's migraine has gone too, and the bad ankle has miraculously recovered.

I'm usually only online in the early mornings, it's too hot to be in my home office later in the day, and besides, I'm too busy. So I'm often the only person around when I post, although Crow used to be online at this time. But lately it's just me and assorted lurkers..

Heat was a little less, down to 36C but it's forecast to go back up to 40 in the coming week. Almost the entire country is on orange or red alert for forest fires.

Even the locals don't like the heat, and I, being an import, like it even less. :-( Hope the heatwave ends soon.
ElTerprise: I meant even before EA was known for killing development studios. I read something about EA being a "good" publisher.
But yes even before Origin the EA had quite the negative reputation. They killed Westwood after all....

Anyway i'll going to sleep now because i'm really tired now. Good night everyone. See you all tomorrow :).
CarrionCrow: I'd love to hear the person's definition of "good". Seems rather flexible.

Have a good night, sleep well. =)
EA published the Dungeon Keeper series, the Bard's tale, C&C series, System Shock 2, The James Bond Games, Dead Space, MIrror's Edge etc. pp.

They were a good publisher until around 2004ish, when they decided to let stakeholders influence game design decisions too much.
Good afternoon, lovely dead thread !!!
I hope everyone is having a nice, fun and relaxing weekend !!
**Big hugs and whatever you'd like to drink**
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, lovely dead thread !!!
I hope everyone is having a nice, fun and relaxing weekend !!
**Big hugs and whatever you'd like to drink**
*touch fluffy tail*
Good day Angry Viking Owl and everybody else. I'm having some RC Cola for the moment but plan on switching over to tea later on. I haven't decided on what tea that'll be though.

Has anyone here tried Spirits of Xandau? It looks to be a solid System Shock 2-ish type game. Saying that, I really should get back to System Shock 2, provided I can finally wrap my head around the controls.
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, lovely dead thread !!!
I hope everyone is having a nice, fun and relaxing weekend !!
**Big hugs and whatever you'd like to drink**
*big hug* I'll take a cool mineral water please :P
How are you doing?
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, lovely dead thread !!!
I hope everyone is having a nice, fun and relaxing weekend !!
**Big hugs and whatever you'd like to drink**
moonshineshadow: *big hug* I'll take a cool mineral water please :P
How are you doing?
*touch fluffy hair*
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, lovely dead thread !!!
I hope everyone is having a nice, fun and relaxing weekend !!
**Big hugs and whatever you'd like to drink**
Good afternoon *big hug* and i'd just like some water :)
Doing good here - what about you?
moonshineshadow: *big hug* I'll take a cool mineral water please :P
How are you doing?
l0rdtr3k: *touch fluffy hair*
*big hug* How is your weekend?
l0rdtr3k: *touch fluffy hair*
moonshineshadow: *big hug* How is your weekend?
I'm playing with your hair. It's so fluffy and smooth.
moonshineshadow: *big hug* How is your weekend?
l0rdtr3k: I'm playing with your hair. It's so fluffy and smooth.
I'll just take that as you are having a good weekend ;-)
How are you people?
GreenDamsel: Ahoy.
How are you people?
*wave* Doing ok, a bit annoyed, because I need to get the cleaning done I did not do yesterday because of my headache :P
How are you?
GreenDamsel: Ahoy.
How are you people?
moonshineshadow: *wave* Doing ok, a bit annoyed, because I need to get the cleaning done I did not do yesterday because of my headache :P
How are you?
Working every day without tiring and reading about Greece day in and day out. Many lines of worry grace my face by now.