Posted April 17, 2015
LaPtiteBete: Hey, Agent !!!
What ... ?... But... We talked to each other this morning ! you even answered my mood survey, and I crushed you because you were feeling bad as hell !! :-|
**Wait, wait, wait... ** What do you mean, "how bad you've been" ?... ô__ô ... What have you done... again... ?!?
Yes, my trip went well, thanks !! :) very interesting, as always... I hope they will put in an order, now...
(Well, if you've been bad, why would I offer you chocolates, anyway, hum ?! ):-| .... I'm awaiting your explanations, Sir...)
That's right!! Somehow I forgot :-/ ... I guess I must have blocked out my bad morning... You even gave me a crushing peanut butter hug!! ... I'm sorry :'-( **Big crushing "I'm sorry!" hug** What ... ?... But... We talked to each other this morning ! you even answered my mood survey, and I crushed you because you were feeling bad as hell !! :-|
**Wait, wait, wait... ** What do you mean, "how bad you've been" ?... ô__ô ... What have you done... again... ?!?
Yes, my trip went well, thanks !! :) very interesting, as always... I hope they will put in an order, now...
(Well, if you've been bad, why would I offer you chocolates, anyway, hum ?! ):-| .... I'm awaiting your explanations, Sir...)
umm... I didn't do anything at all o__o ... Forget I said anything, and please don't throw me in the oubliette! I hate spiders! >__<