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SomeInternetDude: These forums are no exception. There has to be clear rules and if you violate them, the thread should be locked or the post should be deleted. People who antagonize others should be receiving bans of increasing length.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-Benjamin Franklin

Time4Tea: Just to point out the obvious, but most counties that value freedom of speech don't have laws governing what people can and can't discuss 'out in the street'.
I wouldn't know about that, but as a general rule I believe it's perceived as too dangerous to let people discuss hatever they want publicly, rulling preemptively, with or without arguments.

WinterSnowfall: So you're basically saying... this? :P

Timboli: All things considered, the GOG forums are the most tolerant ones I have come across, and upper management etc deserve kudos for that.
I think that has to do more with the crowd participating. I would never imagine posting this on Steam and people participating with thought out words.
Plus they are based in Poland, so I am fairly certain some things get lost in the translation.

BreOl72: Comments like this are why nobody takes us ("gamers") serious.
Objectively, you don't have to be a gamer in order to not be taken serioulsy or a not gamer in order to be, subjectivity aside.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by WhatIsTheTruth
Telika: So private spheres such as commercial internet forums aren't such exceptions.
Hi there.

In my experience, being commercial does not create an inherent obligation to adhere to any legislature related to free speech other than the rule of "if you don't like it, don't participate", unless their is a substantial risk to national/high echelon government staff security/affairs related and some such.
I believe that "freedom of speech" is a sort fuse of tolerance provided by governments rather than an open ended dialogue and often abused as a relaxed term of where boundaries are set, but isn't this a double edged knife?

By the way didn't we have a conversation a couple of years ago about human rights, illegal immigrants and the related activity of NGOs?
Post edited October 19, 2022 by WhatIsTheTruth
Clownski_: While the OP technically borders on breaching the CoC, I'm gonna leave the thread as is. I appreciate how reasonable (and even informative) some of the replies were.

You also answered your own question:

"how could the users be allowed to participate in free discourse according to a private company's "Forum Code of Conduct" [...]" - that's exactly how. You can "participate in free discourse" according to our CoC. Same as you can participate in discourses out on the street, according to the law. That's all there is to it, really.
Ummm.....that makes no sense at all, man......none whatsoever. Things said out on the street aren't regulated by anybody. There are, of course, bounds to that, such as inciting a riot, hate speech (whatever that is at the time), defamation, etc. But swearing, insults, politics, and all the like are most certainly not handled that way in the real world. We are entirely bound by what you guys say is cool. And even then, you (plural) are free to and often do break your own rules. That's really the bottom line. No legal considerations at all....just private company policy. And that's actually perfectly understandable and acceptable. But, let's call it what it really is. We can participate in "discourse" whose limits are determined by the CoC. The CoC doesn't apply to staff.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA
Darvond: 1) There was a 10$ registration fee. Your account gets banned? Pay up if you wanna post again. Perma? Don't try again, bucko.
I can imagine how that could become an over-beaten dead horse.
The rating system can be abused to death. Proven in GOG's case.
If every question solved in the forum granted the user with a token number of badges, to pin on a post they deem worthy, than why not.
I agree with the rest, as I consider them basic textbook actions, on how moderators take accountability for their decisions.
And I have to insist on the ability to dispute, since I cosnider it a basic right to follow up, against a decision that "harms" the user, coming from an overseeing "authority" and the existence of a "moderator supervisor" , who is charged with handling this task.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by WhatIsTheTruth
There is only one group of people who have severe problems with CoCs of forums, chats, etc and their moderation.


They don't accept actions against their "superior" opinions. They usually use personal attacks in their arguments. You can find the same usernames in certain threads over and over again. Certain topics are a magnet for them. In this forum it is very easy to spot them.

That being said, this thread has become silly.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by foad01
foad01: Narcissists.
Takes one to know one.

The only thing beign silly, is for anyone else to bother replying to your self-centered and fairly arrogant post, since I have already obliged.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by WhatIsTheTruth
foad01: Narcissists.
WhatIsTheTruth: Takes one to know one.

The only thing beign silly, is for anyone else to bother replying to your self-centered and fairly arrogant post, since I have already obliged.
QED. I have nothing to add here.
foad01: QED. I have nothing to add here.
True, since you only find logic in what you choose to be conditionaly factual, based on bias, which is fundamentally flawed and subsequently managed to identify yourself.
Self-contained and packaged.

If you were leaving sorry to have kept you.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by WhatIsTheTruth
foad01: QED. I have nothing to add here.
WhatIsTheTruth: True, since you only find logic in what you choose to be conditionaly factual, based on bias, which is fundamentally flawed and subsequently managed to identify yourself.
Self-contained and packaged.
That's an assumption. If people can show me that I am indeed wrong then I am wrong. But you need actual good arguments to do so. Personal attacks like yours don't impress me.
OP: FYI, this is an attempt to derail and have the thread locked. Certain users do this often in threads they dislike. As long as you keep replying, they will post a nonsensical reply, hoping it will get the discussion shut down.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by Longcat
Agreed with Longcat even.

But maybe the thread has indeed run its course.

I mean, once we've arrived at the freedom of speech angle, the civil rights and legal action angle, or if we're comparing forum moderation to historical systems of state, law and order, we're blowing this simple thing way out of proportion. And these discussions will always gravitate towards exactly this kind of hyperbole.

No one forces the owner of the platform to host content that expressly contradicts basic rules that were set. It's not more than that. Being gifted with narcissist's traits myself, I understand how the post that was deleted or the thread that was closed always consisted of the most important, helpful and liberating words that were ever written in the history of the world and Den Haag would certainly talk about this in years to come.

It was the outcry of the downtrodden and the anger of the righteous, held the secret for world peace and prosperity, and it might even have told us how to get Return to Monkey Island on
Post edited October 19, 2022 by Vainamoinen
Vainamoinen: It was the outcry of the downtrodden and the anger of the righteous, held the secret for world peace and prosperity, and it might even have told us how to get Return to Monkey Island on
World peace I buy ... but Monkey Island? If you make stuff up, keep it realistic.

On the topic, I think it has all been said already.
We are here in a private company's forum, we are the guests. They decide what's allowed and what's not. There is no "civil right" or "freedom of speech" here. How would that even work if we all come from different countries with different laws? All we have in common are the basic human rights granted by the UNO.
What we are given here, is GOGs decision and no one elses. Granted, they have to follow the laws of the countries in which they sell games, which means they can't allow anything that is forbidden there. In addition they can restrict what they allow us to keep the forum more or less civilized.
Post edited October 19, 2022 by neumi5694
Vainamoinen: But maybe the thread has indeed run its course.
Indeed it has, even before personal attacks. It was nice while it lasted though. Locking.