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high rated
I've just found out Comixology will no longer be doing DRM free downloads

Quickly getting what I can from the site now, but its a pain as they altered how you down load.

They've also DRM'ed stuff that was once DRM Free, namely the Cyberpunk Comic.

I'm beyond fuming right now
DRM-ing JPEGs lol, how spiteful can you get. Does print screen count as piracy then?
low rated
mechmouse: …snip

They've also DRM'ed stuff that was once DRM Free, namely the Cyberpunk Comic.
No, they haven’t added drm they just made it online only galaxy walled content as a special thank you.
There was a thread before that this was coming. The end was coming when Amazon bought it. It sucks.
mechmouse: I've just found out Comixology will no longer be doing DRM free downloads

Quickly getting what I can from the site now, but its a pain as they altered how you down load.

They've also DRM'ed stuff that was once DRM Free, namely the Cyberpunk Comic.

I'm beyond fuming right now
That sucks.
Crosmando: DRM-ing JPEGs lol, how spiteful can you get. Does print screen count as piracy then?
Netflix, Gumroad and DLsite: *heavy sweating*
Post edited February 19, 2022 by _Auster_
Crosmando: DRM-ing JPEGs lol, how spiteful can you get. Does print screen count as piracy then?
Technically, it probably does. Law is stupid.
I had to google what "comixology" is. Apparently online cartoons?

Hopefully you had backed up all the DRM-free cartoons that you care for. Always a good practise, for content you care for. After all, you never know when the site decides to close down, after which you can't download anything anymore from them, DRM-free or not.
Post edited February 20, 2022 by timppu
Yeah, this is why I no longer buy digital comics (unless it's DRM-Free on Humble Bundle). I've returned to buying physical comics. Many titles that I enjoy never transitioned to digital format anyway.
timppu: I had to google what "comixology" is. Apparently online cartoons?
Comixology was an online digital comic store.
Post edited February 20, 2022 by ElKiZen
This reminds me of when apple and mp3's and the push to make all music DRM'd and encrypted unless you had the licenses. We won the music one, but haven't won the other ones. Some EBooks are encrypted, images can be encrypted though it's kinda silly to do it, same for videos.

Best to boycott what you disagree with, and if their bottom line is hit enough they may change their ways.
Crosmando: DRM-ing JPEGs lol, how spiteful can you get. Does print screen count as piracy then?
Enebias: Technically, it probably does. Law is stupid.
It would be a copyrighted work. But screen capture tends to rip out a ton of meta-data, of who it belonged to, size, where you got it etc. It's kinda impossible to stop.

And the more digital distribution and streaming, the faster this stuff will spread.
Post edited February 20, 2022 by rtcvb32