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Experience an epic story, a fun turn-based battle system, and a full custom soundtrack – all that and even more in Whispers in the Moss, coming soon on GOG!

Whispers in the Moss is a full-scale retro JRPG experience that embraces the nostalgic charm of 8-bit and 16-bit console classics. Embark on an epic journey with three young heroes from a tranquil fishing village, thrust into a world dominated by an empire seeking ultimate power and a banished prince determined to restore balance. As they traverse the world, our party uncovers an even more sinister secret – fiends of the underworld are stirring...

Wishlist it now!
Another Breja's game of choice release . =)
Post edited May 28, 2024 by Oriza-Triznyák
Coded entirely in QB64?
Wishlisted for that sole reason :)
Based on the news post I thought this game would be right up my alley, then I went to the game page and saw the screenshots. Now, I don't really want to disparage a persons twelve year passion project, but good lord that hurts to look at. Maybe just because you can make a game using "textmode (ANSI/ASCII-style) graphics" doesn't mean you should. I also don't think you can call it a retro experience and also claim this use of graphics is a first in gaming. "Firsts" and "retro" don't really go together. And while the gameplay may "embraces the nostalgic charm of 8-bit and 16-bit console classics" the visual certainly do not.

I hope someone can enjoy this game. The developer certainly seems proud of his effort, so maybe it is good. I will have to pass on it though.
I've spent a good part of my childhood making games with ASCII chars so this looks pretty interesting to me :)
Oriza-Triznyák: Another Breja's game of choice release . =)
had a chuckle ;)
gOd Som 1

SPIKED the _heroin_ with dr@incle@ner ++again+++
I swear the quasi deep naming getting stranger by the day with less meaning.

Next up, "Farts in the Wind; A romantic tale of vapid love"
I remember seeing mention of this game some time ago, and I *definitely* want it.
Ok, what went wrong here, cuz i remember games from the 80s having better graphics then this. This here is an eyesore that looks like a broken screen display.
I get it, but maybe they could have cut the portraits out and used that more more visual descriptions instead. :P
high rated
Hi everyone! I'm the developer of Whispers in the Moss. Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate even the critical ones! :D

When it comes to the graphics, I'm well aware that we're not in the mainstream here. If it's not your thing, then no worries.

Happy to answer any questions about the game here.
Lone_Scout: Coded entirely in QB64?
Wishlisted for that sole reason :)
Thanks! And yes, the game is coded fully in QB64. By the way, the BASIC programming language turned 60 this year, and I personally find it pretty bad-ass to release a commercial BASIC game in 2024.
MasterofFiction: I also don't think you can call it a retro experience and also claim this use of graphics is a first in gaming. "Firsts" and "retro" don't really go together.
Hi, and thanks for your comment. I have to disagree with you there, because I believe that new retro-style games can and definitely should incorporate new elements too. In my case, I've used a vintage graphics style in a way that hasn't been used in this scale in video games before. But I'd still stay the game is pretty retro.

I do get your point, but personally I believe that every new game (retro or not) should try to be "first" in at least something, because otherwise, what's the point?
Atreyu666: I've spent a good part of my childhood making games with ASCII chars so this looks pretty interesting to me :)
Nice, thank you! I'm on a mission to push textmode graphics to new levels, and hopefully to some extend succeeded too.
dtgreene: I remember seeing mention of this game some time ago, and I *definitely* want it.
Awesome! There's also a demo version coming up soon.
Post edited May 28, 2024 by UnculturedGames
dnovraD: I get it, but maybe they could have cut the portraits out and used that more more visual descriptions instead. :P
Thanks for the input. I want to emphasize that this is not an interactive fiction or a traditional text-based game. It's a game with graphics, where the chosen graphics medium is textmode (ANSI-style) graphics. I took it as a challenge to visualize as much as possible with this very limited and restricted art medium.
MasterofFiction: I also don't think you can call it a retro experience and also claim this use of graphics is a first in gaming. "Firsts" and "retro" don't really go together.
UnculturedGames: Hi, and thanks for your comment. I have to disagree with you there, because I believe that new retro-style games can and definitely should incorporate new elements too. In my case, I've used a vintage graphics style in a way that hasn't been used in this scale in video games before. But I'd still stay the game is pretty retro.

I do get your point, but personally I believe that every new game (retro or not) should try to be "first" in at least something, because otherwise, what's the point?
I actually completely agree with you on this. I often make the point that devs who make "retro" games usually completely miss the fact that those beloved classics they are trying to emulate were more often than not forward thinking, their devs aimed at something new and inventive, so in making something purely nostalgic and backward thinking they are in fact making something fundamentally unlike those old games, no matter how similar it may look.

That said, I really do have to question the visual design of your game, not even on its aesthetic merits, but simply because even just looking at the screens is genuinely giving me a headache. And it's not a "it's so bad" hyperbole, I mean quite literally that I physically couldn't play it. Maybe it's just me, I'll readily admit ASCII graphics were never my thing, but I just have to believe there must have been a way to make things more clearly discernable and easier on the eyes.
Post edited May 28, 2024 by Breja
I really love this graphical approach and I find it extremely cool to create a whole RPG in QB64 and use ASCII-characters to draw everything. I'll definitely buy this game on release day.