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Get ready for the grand comeback of the Freelance Police in a newly remastered version of their second episodic season. Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space is coming soon to GOG!

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low rated
Marcus-Havoc: Just YouTube search it and you'll get a direct comparison. You'll see that lines have been changed, and I actually do think the old voice actor was more funny because he was doing an over the top stereotypical version of a black man.

Wouldn't go after the STEAM reviews all that much, seeing as most people who actually cared for the game wouldn't buy it in this altered state.
wolfsite: That video is for save the world not beyond time and space so it would not be fair to use that as an example.
Sorry, I thought you meant the older version. Cause, like I said in another comment, I would still be waiting for a couple of months to be safe. If I recall, the other censorship was found after about 4/6 months.
high rated
AB2012: I'm struggling to understand the "need" to remaster these at all beyond being just another lame Remaster-itus cash grab. The originals run fine, have 1080p widescreen support, few people liked the censorship with S1 (as evidenced by the 2.9/5.0 score), and the graphical "improvements" were pretty weak. To keep things in perspective, I bought the original trilogy for £1.89 each back in 2014 (inc free soundtracks), and now they are £11.89 per game + £5.09 per "DLC" soundtrack = £17.08, or basically a +805% price increase per game for 99% the same game?... They are great games but someone's really milking these...
Agree 100%. "Our 2006-2007 games that are the same age as Bioshock 1 (£2.49) and Portal 1 (£1.43) are now 'worth' more discounted than Prey (2017) + Deus Ex Human Revolution + Dishonored combined because we tossed a glorified texture pack on" is exactly what I don't support with keeping old games alive via unnecessary "remasters"...
wolfsite: That video is for save the world not beyond time and space so it would not be fair to use that as an example.
Marcus-Havoc: Sorry, I thought you meant the older version. Cause, like I said in another comment, I would still be waiting for a couple of months to be safe. If I recall, the other censorship was found after about 4/6 months.
Then I would suggest waiting or find someone streaming the game on Twitch to see if they kept the original script in tact.

I did watch some promotional trailers and the new Bosco VA has improved his delivery, though he still sounds a little young for the character.
high rated
Yeah, no thanks. I'll stick to the original. You can take this overpriced piece of glorified HD mod pointlessness and shove it down your politically correct Bosco's piehole.
Mateuszy: Where is soundtrack? Will it be includeed? Lack of it, or any other goodies, which can in some cases be brought in other stores, is what stops me from fully supporting GoG. Won't buy product in other store, becaus DRM BAD, but also won't buy on GoG.
Many times the creator of the soubdtrack have the rights to sell it, that means that the devs don't always can decide if one soundtrack can or will be sold on X store.
AB2012: I'm struggling to understand the "need" to remaster these at all beyond being just another lame Remaster-itus cash grab. The originals run fine, have 1080p widescreen support, few people liked the censorship with S1 (as evidenced by the 2.9/5.0 score), and the graphical "improvements" were pretty weak. To keep things in perspective, I bought the original trilogy for £1.89 each back in 2014 (inc free soundtracks), and now they are £11.89 per game + £5.09 per "DLC" soundtrack = £17.08, or basically a +805% price increase per game for 99% the same game?... They are great games but someone's really milking these...

And if any voiceover needed a redo, it was Sam's for poor audio quality and rather heartless deliveries.
I love GOG, but sometimes I don't understand the duality of their community. The other day a read a thread worry because the devs don't announced the game for GOG and don't even know if was going to be release here, now they announced, they complain becauae don't want the remaster because censorship, and expensive and not free soundtrack... It's like guys, if you don't like the remaster that includes new languages, some better graphics and sound, and some others things, they also include the original game with no alterations and the racist jokes we love so much.
Don't drown in a glass of water, people.
Ruvika: if you don't like the remaster that includes new languages
That it's always had.

Ruvika: better graphics

Ruvika: they also include the original game with no alterations
The only saving grace, although they shouldn't have been down in the first place after the rights were resolved in the post-TellTale fallout.

Ruvika: the racist jokes we love so much.
Spare us the US West Coast speak, will you?
high rated
Ruvika: I love GOG, but sometimes I don't understand the duality of their community. The other day a read a thread worry because the devs don't announced the game for GOG and don't even know if was going to be release here, now they announced, they complain becauae don't want the remaster because censorship, and expensive and not free soundtrack...
You "don't understand" that the "GOG community" is more than one person, and people are "allowed" different opinions of different games and to be able to hold more than one thought in their head at a time? There absolutely are games that need a remaster due to very clunky controls / severe compatibility issues. On the other hand, you'd have to have been living in a cave to not see the "Remaster Bandwagon Cash-Cow (tm)" that's been cr*pping all over the classic gaming community over the past few years where games barely 10 years old that have no problems with controls, visuals or compatibility at all are 'remastered' purely for the sake of bumping the price back up whilst pretending to be "doing you a favor" by re-offering the same original they just removed at 5-8x the price as a "bonus". Commenting on that isn't "duality", just a dislike of price gouging...

Ruvika: better graphics
Plokite_Wolf: Relative.
Indeed. Texture Comparison:-

Original (2007)

Remaster (2021)

I don't know about you but that so called "graphical upgrade" seems to range from absolutely nothing to the remaster actually looking worse (wall textures, dartboard, etc). Some people need their eyes tested if they're dishonestly claiming there's some massive graphical upgrade on par with Day of the Tentacle or Monkey Island Remaster vs classics here, that justifies a whopping 9x increase in price...
original.jpg (467 Kb)
remaster.jpg (317 Kb)
Post edited December 29, 2021 by BrianSim
Ruvika: if you don't like the remaster that includes new languages
Plokite_Wolf: That it's always had.

Ruvika: better graphics
Plokite_Wolf: Relative.

Ruvika: they also include the original game with no alterations
Plokite_Wolf: The only saving grace, although they shouldn't have been down in the first place after the rights were resolved in the post-TellTale fallout.

Ruvika: the racist jokes we love so much.
Plokite_Wolf: Spare us the US West Coast speak, will you?
Well, my version was broken because it didn't have spanish when I play it.
I don't know anything about US West Cost, but here in Argentina, we have a pretty dark sence of humor, we laugh about everything because it pur only scape of our reality, here is like a non consensual Carpe Díem.
Plus, if you are bother by the racist jokes of the game, then I recommend you to play the remaster. It's the perfect edition for the sensible minds od 21th century :D
Ruvika: I don't know anything about US West Cost, but here in Argentina, we have a pretty dark sence of humor, we laugh about everything because it pur only scape of our reality, here is like a non consensual Carpe Díem.
That doesn't show from your post, you seem to be using the "racist" buzzword as carelessly and with the same lack of purpose and meaning as a Californian gender studies student.

BrianSim: I don't know about you but that so called "graphical upgrade" seems to range from absolutely nothing to the remaster actually looking worse (wall textures, dartboard, etc). Some people need their eyes tested if they're dishonestly claiming there's some massive graphical upgrade on par with Day of the Tentacle or Monkey Island Remaster vs classics here, that justifies a whopping 9x increase in price...
It's just the mentality of "add bloom and call it done"
Post edited December 29, 2021 by Plokite_Wolf
high rated
The moment they'll revert the changes in Season 1 I might be tempted to buy Season 1 and 2. It is a pity that they actually dared to change the original and I won't support this with my money. I am a big Sam and Max fan but that also is the reason why I can't support political correctness (which I already dislike) in a Sam and Max game at all. As far as I know there are no plans to undo the censoring of Season 1 right now. Maybe one day they will rethink, then I will rethink my decision to not support them as well. Until then I will stick to my three Telltale Seasons including the Collector DVDs.
Post edited December 29, 2021 by MarkoH01
high rated
The originals were pretty great. But I ain't going to support censorship, especially politically "correct" alterations. This crap had ruined so many great franchises already.
Ruvika: I don't know anything about US West Cost, but here in Argentina, we have a pretty dark sence of humor, we laugh about everything because it pur only scape of our reality, here is like a non consensual Carpe Díem.
Plokite_Wolf: That doesn't show from your post, you seem to be using the "racist" buzzword as carelessly and with the same lack of purpose and meaning as a Californian gender studies student.
Yes, I use it carelessly because I use it as joke, as the game used to do it, and not with offensive implications.
BrianSim: You "don't understand" that the "GOG community" is more than one person, and people are "allowed" different opinions of different games and to be able to hold more than one thought in their head at a time? There absolutely are games that need a remaster due to very clunky controls / severe compatibility issues. On the other hand, you'd have to have been living in a cave to not see the "Remaster Bandwagon Cash-Cow (tm)" that's been cr*pping all over the classic gaming community over the past few years where games barely 10 years old that have no problems with controls, visuals or compatibility at all are 'remastered' purely for the sake of bumping the price back up whilst pretending to be "doing you a favor" by re-offering the same original they just removed at 5-8x the price as a "bonus". Commenting on that isn't "duality", just a dislike of price gouging...

I don't know about you but that so called "graphical upgrade" seems to range from absolutely nothing to the remaster actually looking worse (wall textures, dartboard, etc). Some people need their eyes tested if they're dishonestly claiming there's some massive graphical upgrade on par with Day of the Tentacle or Monkey Island Remaster vs classics here, that justifies a whopping 9x increase in price...
Yes, maybe I expressed badly, what I meant was that some people wanted the game here and others don't, and even with the censorship shit of the first episode (that fortunately is not present in the second one) make them a vailable option to those who couldn't experience the original back in the day and so far is the only legal alternative (that make them super super important). For example, I'm not a fan of hentai games but some people loves them and never going to oppose to them on GOG, I even going to support them is make happy somebody. I understand what you said that is a game that don't actually need a remastered, but I also understand the devs, they acquired the licence of this games and of course they want to get some extra bucks from them, so they made a kind of remastered, like add it shadows and some other things to justify the price. I kind of appreciate this because I think Sam and Max are awesome games, and this provide to those who don't experience the game before a new opportunity, I hate those No One Lives Forever cases, of game that are really difficult to access and many don't even work. For the price I agree, it's expensive, I already got the originals in Steam but I can consider purchase them at 50% discount. So hope the thirsd episode also arrive here.
Post edited December 30, 2021 by Ruvika