Konahrik13: I recently got a SSD to put my games (Steam, Origin ((I know, I had to get Titanfall 2.)), and now GOG Galaxy.) and while I've been able to do the other two I want to know if moving my games and the program over to the new hard drive is possible.
Moving installers is usually not a problem at all. Just move them within the file explorer and then start from a new location.
Moving an installed Galaxy is usually not needed (it's very small anyway). But you could de-install and install it again (probably the settings are kept or you need to authenticate again, don't know).
Changing the location of an installed programm. I don't know. Could work, could not work.
Better to save the saves of the games, uninstall and install at new location again.
I don't know enough about Galaxy, otherwise I would draw some pictures. However, you could contact GOG and ask for help with Galaxy and this task. They should know.