Yeshu: Seriously? This thread devolved into shitposting for a bunch of elitists that are more concerned about stroking there own ego rather than actually put in some effort to make a change.
Zrevnur: What kind of 'effort' do you suggest this 'bunch of elitists' should put in 'to make a change'?
For one thing, take there grivencese OUTSIDE this forum.
Start a community outside these closed of talk boxes.
Secondly, gather information, links and articles that would allow people to learn about what they are trying to achieve. Most of the time these kind of boycotts stop on "Trust me bro!" and people tend to fall of after like a month if not sooner.
Seriously anything than being a crybaby on a game store forum.
Yeshu: It's not that [games from Epic] are sold through GOG Galaxy. It's that by syncing Galaxy you can buy games at the Epic Games Store through the Galaxy app.
You are buying games at the Epic Games Store while Galaxy is the middle man in the transaction.
From the GOG Rep:
"GOG.COM stays DRM-free, GOG GALAXY app is about connecting all of your games into one place. That being said, there is a possibility to have only the GOG.COM store visible in the app as well, so the GOG GALAXY store remains optional."
rjbuffchix: If Galaxy is just the middle man that takes users to Epic's store, the way that you seem to believe, then why would GOG the company be providing tech support and refunds for these DRMed games? That indicates to at least some degree that they are "sellers" of these games regardless of how Epic gets paid or even if GOG themselves don't make any money at all from the transaction on these particular games.
The line from the GOG rep is similar to saying you can go on Humble Bundle and click the DRM-free checkbox so that you don't have to look at any of the DRMed games that otherwise populate their store. That is to say, it wouldn't change the fact of Humble Bundle selling DRMed Steam games, just like hiding the new store in Galaxy wouldn't change the fact of GOG selling DRMed Epic games.
If you read the article, GOG wants Galaxy to be. besides there stores app, a hub where people would connect ALL there store fronts to have an easer way to segregate and play them.
The GOG store will still be DRM free, while the other stores would follow there own rules. No one is forcing you buy from the Epic Games store. The DRM games ARE NOT PART OF THE GOG STORE FRONT! Galaxy is suppose to allow you to axes these other store front to make purchases without opening and closing other apps.
Again Galaxy was always marketed as a hub for ALL the store fronts where you have games. Just buy games from GOG don't use the other store fronts.
You are sirously misrepresenting the provided info to confirm your bias.
rjbuffchix: If Galaxy is just the middle man that takes users to Epic's store...
GamezRanker: A head's up: the user y'all replied to is one of a handful that have recently(past few months) been(to varying degrees) "stirring the pot" in threads that criticize gog.
If by stirring the pot you mean asking questions and pointing out logical fallacies in what has become a one sided circklejerk, than yes I am stirring the pot.